2009-02-08 01:49:06大帥

Cinderella Liao - 女高音廖英君

我在深夜開車時,總是習慣聆聽教育廣播電台的節目。在午夜十二點時,有個從心歸零的節目。通常會有一些人物專訪,或是介紹一些淨化人心的思考方向。今天很特別的介紹這位,算是半路出家的明日之星,Cinderella Liao - 女高音廖英君。引起我的好奇;想了解這麼一位具有傳奇色彩的女性,是怎麼如何選擇去決定她的人生?



She is one of the most promising vocalists in the new generation in Taiwan. Born in New York and grew up in the United States、Cinderella Liao loved singing since her early years、and had learned piano、ballet、and tap dance. When she returned to Taiwan at the age of 12、she learned Chinese with uncompromising persistence and was admitted to Taipei First Girl High School. She graduated from the Department of Economics at National Taiwan University、and studied communication at Cornell University where she received her MA degree.

To pursue her dream in vocal music、Cinderella further studied at Conservatorio Santa Cecilia (and learned with Professor Silvia Silveri)、where she received her diplomino、she also went to Frederick Chopin Academy of Music in Warsaw for further studies (under the instruction of Professor Zdzislawa Donat、the well-known soprano). Since 2000、Cinderella started her singing career and was favored rapidly. She was invited to be the prima donna in both Rossini's《L'occasione fa il ladro》and Puccini's《La Boheme》; in 2004、she held a recital 「Love、when the clock strikes midnight」 at the Novel Hall; she later sang at the concert 「Cinderella Liao and National Taiwan University Symphony Orchestra」 at the National Concert Hall in early 2005 with excellent reviews. In May、2005、she was invited to give two performances with Evergreen Symphony Orchestra at the 「Shanghai Concert Hall」 in Shanghai. In August、she held a recital at the National Concert Hall with Maestro Rolando Nicolosi. In Jan. 2006、at the same venue、she sang solo with the Evergreen Symphony Orchestra. April 2006、she participated in the Spring Concert with Dallas Asian American Youth Orchestra in Texas、USA.

Cinderella Liao has attracted enormous attention from professional vocalists and the audience with her crystal-clear and sweet voice as well as with her elegant style. Today、she is regarded as an icon among the next generation of female vocalists in Taiwan with great talent、elegance、beauty、and versatility.



廖英君出生紐約,在美國長大,12歲返台就學,之後就讀北一女、台大經濟系,畢業後回到美國康乃爾大學取得傳播碩士學位,然而為了實現自幼對音樂的夢想,她遠赴羅馬音樂學院(師事Silvia Silveri教授)深造,取得文憑,其間亦曾至波蘭華沙蕭邦音樂學院,師事世界著名女高音Zdzislawa Donat教授。

