40年綁架、監禁、強暴4000人 統一教 徒事件
40年綁架、監禁、強暴4000 統一教 徒 事件
(統一教 拉致監禁.人権侵害.통일교 일본 납치 인권침해.Unification Church Kidnapping)
"你知道嗎?自從1966年日本的會員(統一教信徒)被洗腦人士有系統性地綁架。有43年我們的會員被綁架、歐打、折 磨,甚至有些被強暴的案例。且他們的信仰被強迫放棄。他們被強迫不去信仰他們內心想要信仰的。你有察覺到這樣的事實嗎?這是日本教會(日本統一教)實際現 況,而日本政府卻對這犯罪綁架集團睜一隻眼閉一隻眼。有共產黨律師和基督教牧欺騙父母來綁架他們的子女,且他們得到來自父母的付款;牧師得到付款後,就對 學生會員高談闊論,直到他們的信仰和心靈破裂。自從1966年起,在日本已經有4000多個綁架案例。4000多!政府還沒 有起訴一個犯罪迫害,一個也沒有!沒有人因為綁架超過4000多位信仰者被起訴。你能相信嗎?這合理嗎?這是日本,地球上第二富有的國家,一個宗教信仰被 憲法保護的地方。"
統一教 文國進 20090905
"did you know that since 1966 our Japanese members have been systematically kidnapped by deprogrammers? For 43 years our members have been kidnapped, beaten, tortured and in some cases raped. And their faith was yanked (forced) away from them. They were forced not to believe in what they sincerely wanted to believe. Were you aware of this fact? This is the reality of our church in Japan, and the government has turned a blind eye towards this criminal kidnapping enterprise. You have the communist attorneys and the Christian ministers who basically trick parents to kidnap their children, and they get paid for it!
The ministers get paid to harangue these student members for years, until their faith and souls are broken. Since 1966 there have been over 4,000 cases of kidnapping in Japan. Over 4,000! Yet the government has not made one criminal prosecution – not one! Not one individual has been prosecuted for the criminal kidnapping of over 4,000 people of faith. Can you believe this? Is this reasonable? This is Japan, the second wealthiest nation on earth, where religious freedom is guaranteed in the constitution. "
By U.C. Moon Kook Jin 20090905
"你或許知道上星期我們提到的事情,1966年,從一位基督教福音派一個團體的 牧師-森山諭牧師開始,在日本,組織一個誘拐統一教徒的非法團體。這是在1966年,一開始它非常微小約一年誘拐10個人的組織,在經我們的分析和統計, 在1993年,它已經達到一年非法綁架375人的高峰。那是一天一個統一教信徒被非法綁架,並在自由民主社會中,被強制限制他們的個人意志。一天一個以 上,發生這樣荒誕的犯罪事件。"
統一教 文亨進 牧師20090926
"You may know the situation we talked about last week. 1966, starting with Pastor Murayama, an evangelical, and a group of pastors, an illegal organization was created and the abduction of Unificationists began in Japan. This was in 1966. At first it was very small like ten abductions per year. We have the graphs, the statistics. But by 1993, it was reaching a height of 375 illegal kidnappings in one year. That is one Unificationist per day, being kidnapped illegally, forced into confinement against their will in a free democratic society. More than one per day. These incredible crimes happened. "
By U.C. Pastor Moon Hyung Jin 20090926
這個事件是在一位日本的統一教弟兄被綁架監禁“12年又5個月後“逃出來後,事後所爆發的40年 綁架監禁甚至強暴4000多位統一教信徒的事件。右邊是後滕先生在12年又5個月後逃出來的照片。
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