2006-01-28 16:12:42apoopoo

[ 輓歌 ]

去死吧 去死吧


在最深的森林裡 desire

在最暗的房間裡 lust

在最混亂的city, we suffer

under the sun

就一定會有shadow, 是妳

分分秒秒 編織lust and love

最後 罹難的是羅曼史的last breath

靈堂裡放的輓歌是 the Dirge of Cereberus

you may call me imaginary

but all this world’s thoughtlessness

has only been taking me farther away

每一閉上眼 haunted by 夢靨

it’s taking me over

bringing the numb back to life

they whispers to both you and I, all the time

just shut up for a moment and listen

the rotten breathes are just inches away

what you taste now, are thy dying memories