2011-01-20 09:59:00 休閒達人

石頭溫泉會館/斐諾科學中心瑞士建築師彼得・祖姆特(Peter Zumthor)*上群休閒水藝 spa 工程、泡湯、殺菌、

瑞士建築師彼得・祖姆特(Peter Zumthor),在瑞士的瓦爾斯村設了一棟溫泉會館,一九九三年至一九九六年動工興建,座落在既有的五棟酒店建築群之中。祖姆特的設計雖然簡單,但他完全將瓦爾斯的天然景緻與建物融合,同時又沒有影響到舊有酒店的視野。祖姆特充份應用當地的石材、天然光、湧泉,再加上獨到的創意,打造出一棟令人心曠神怡的溫泉會館。

Vals原本冬季吸引滑雪人潮,夏天引誘健行的登山客的傳統觀光業;1996年歸功Zumthor傑出的設計,使新完工的Thermal Bath一時聞名泉世界(2年之後Therme即成為瑞士政府保護的建築: "A lesson in courage and aesthetics, a unique archaic bathing and therapy landscape replete with quiet sensuality, a spa such as the has never been seen before。建築界與報章雜誌的宣傳如虎添翼,再配合當地全面有機農作的飲食推廣與發展,目前整個光觀組織已經成為當地居民永續經營下最主要的經濟來源。


內部有大小不同空間變化的水池:Fire Bath水溫42度C,Ice Bath14度C,另有Flower溫水區,Sound Bath,Sweat+Steam Stone蒸汽浴和日光浴,休憩區及按摩區。


THE THERME:«Mountain, stone, water - building in the stone, building with stone, into the mountain, building out of the mountain, being inside the mountain - how can the implications and the sensuality in the association of these words be interpreted, architecturally? The whole concept was designed by following up these questions; so that it all took form step by step.» Peter Zumthor
Thermal Bath:The Felsen-Therme is a rectangular construction with stacked walls of Valser Quartzite quarried only two kilometres from the Therme. 60,000 stone slabs were used in the complex. (以上的英文及圖片取自網路)
