2006-04-06 16:33:57向西 (姚子聰)

I Got the Tickets

I was so tired after work last night that I bascially passed out at 9:00p.m. I managed to wake up at 6:00a.m. this morning to grab a coffee and do some readings. I am in love in the Starbucks Chai Spice muffin lately and I can’t resist it. I believe that drinking at Starbucks is more addictive than smoking and it costs a whole lot more. I can get by with no smoke at all without a single problem but how I can resist the tempation of a Grande Ice Green Tea! I basically need to have one each night after work! I feel so refreshed and rejuvernated every time I have one .

Today I got the ticket to go to see James Blunt concert! I was so happy that I managed to get even one ticket to see his show. Fortunate enough, I also got a pair of tickets to see Michael Buble at the end of March in Berkeley. Hopefully I can find someone to go with me .

It’s so tiring and mind-numbing at the Bookstore today. Somehow I started questioning why I even wanted to work there. My manager came in today to cover my lunch time because one of my co-workers got fired this past week. I don’t mind working by myself because I actually feel that I am a lot more efficient that way. I was tempted to get a PowerBook for some reason. I think it’s partly because every customer keeps asking me about all the Mac applications and I only know so much about them. However, after second thought, I realized that it’s not worth investing money to get a PowerBook. I got a nice laptop from work last year and I shouldn’t waste any more cash on gadgets.

I passed out again after I got home tonight. My housemates woke me up to watch "Just Like Haven" with them. It did sound a bit weird to have three guys watching a romantic movie together. But who cares! It’s Reense Witherspoon! She is so adorable! I wish I could have a girl like her to be in my life.

Baking a CPK pizza in the oven for dinner at 11:00p.m, I am so unhealthy!

Tomorrow will be my first day at Google. I am so excited!

By the way, I really want to see Curious George!