2006-01-14 21:32:29袋袋

This called 長大

this called 長大

too many abstacles... and you have to face it alone
i guess, the major problem is my attitude towards life.
it is just a game, right? just a game.
enjoy your textbooks, enjoy the time you spend with your family
and ...
your beloved one.
enjoy eveything, no matter it is sweet or bitter.
take it easy.
i guess i am still not used to the life without a tolerative mother
a tolerative father, a tolerative little brother
and a tolerative...
i was and am forced to grow up.
could anybody teach me how to be stronger?
why i think my life was better?
that’s strange. because i seem to found my true love.
then how is that possible for me to feel worse?
maybe i was over protected.
or maybe life is much more complicated than I thought.
again, what is the main reason for my existence? (why not even my mother can tell me why?)
i think i’m pretty harmful...and i think i should stop reading philosophic books(reading is the leading problem of inspiring a man’s unrestrained thoughts)

me, myself, that envy the ant that lives with me.