2004-08-31 00:22:44桑妮晴


ALL RIGHT!I rally miss you so much. Australia. Gold coast. Stephen. Janet. Ellisha. Jordan. Barney… Mine dearest home-stay. Blue sky. Dark sky. Any color of the sky always looked so beautiful especially starts spread of the dark sky in the night. I almost could see the Milky Way. And the sunshine in Gold coast looks like golden all the time. Wow..Wow..Wow…What lovely days in Australia. I can’t believe that I recall them many times when I back to Taiwan unexpectedly.

ALL RIGHT!I am not as good as I think. BUT!!I must rouse by myself….It’s my real life. Give me some days and I will be better than I hadn’t been to Australia. Those days developed my mind, my experiences. It’s wonderful gift of my life which 上天 pestow upon me. I can’t waste them. I must be better. GOOD LUCK.

【One day if you feel me looks interest in English very much. I hope you won’t feel strange. Maybe it’s a reason for my frailness about I didn’t want to forget AU. But I really like English after I came back Taiwan. It’s great thing for me….I thinkJ】

【photo】my homestay's garden...it's beautiful sunny day/gold coast