2004-03-18 15:43:00大魚

臉色與健康 Translation

If your face is pale, it means your diet is lacking in (acidic vegetables) folic acid, Iron, and B12.

If your forehead has pock, it means that your liver has too many poisons and that you should decrease your intake of sugary foods or too much alcohol. 时

If acne appears next to your temples, it means that your diet contains too much artificially made food products that lead to a blocked gall bladder. You need to have a poison-free body cleaning.

If you feel dry around your eyes or have under-eye circles, you need to increase your vitamin B2 and B6 intake.

Experienced smokers tend to have turgid face with clear blood capillary veins. These are the signs of an anoxic skin. The best way to relieve is to stop smoking!

If you have tiny wrinkles around the corners of your mouth, you need to intake more iron!

In the dry winter, if you have decorticated lips, you have to supply more vitamin B.

If you find emerging pocks on your lower jaw during your period, you can improve by doing body message or lymph drainage. The skin condition in this part is directly related to that of your ovary.

If dark under-eye circles or bags appear, it means that you drink too much coffee and tea and that you need to limit those and drink more water. It's because under-eye area is directly related to your kidney.

If you have blackhead acne next to your slightly decorticated nose, you might have a mal-blood-circulation. Try to message over this part to invigorate the blood circulation. You can also try to supply more zinc, vitamins B2 and B6; they will help improve the greasy blood circulation.

If your cheeks have acne, it means that you have to control your diet. Avoid eating too much or drinking too much. Eat more good that will help your body get rid of poisons, apples, for example, work well on enhancing the self-cleansing of our intestines and stomach.