2004-03-18 15:40:00大魚

446-48 Happiness Comes from Ordinary Lives: Images of Great

Happiness Comes from Ordinary Lives: Images of Great Love Homes
Text by Hung Shu-feng and Hsiao Ming-yun
Translated by Yen Pei-yu


P. 48
Celebrating New Homes:
The housewarming ceremony is quite boisterous, and every neighbor comes to see us dancing. Who says my clothes are too bright? Who says my dancing is too exaggerated? Who doesn't smile to see new houses? Miao women perform traditional dances at the inauguration ceremony of a new Tzu Chi Village in Guizhou Province, China. (Photograph by Lin Yen-huang)

P. 49
(Above) Children stand in line to welcome the guests at the opening ceremony of the Sacacoyo Great Love Village in El Salvador. (Photograph by Yen Lin-chao)
(Below) A small child joins in an activity making rice dumplings in the opening ceremony of a Tzu Chi Village for needy families in Taiwan. (Photograph provided by Tzu Chi headquarters in Hualien)

P. 50
Comforting Minds:
The smoke from a kitchen chimney emits our passion;
The sweeping and cleaning wipe out our sorrows,
Under the azure sky a vast ground of beautiful scenes is exposed.
We can wipe off our past because we can see a glorious future.
(Above) Residents dry their radishes under the sun in a village in Anhui, China. (Photograph by Yen Lin-chao)
(Below) A woman makes traditional food in her kitchen in Kotda, India. (Photograph by Yen Lin-chao)

(Right) The rooftop of every Great Love house in Guizhou is used for drying rice. (Photograph by Lin Yen-huang)
(Below) A woman hangs clothes before her Great Love house in Sacacoyo, El Salvador. (Photograph by Yen Lin-chao)

P. 52 Breadwinners:
Lifting bricks for building and carrying tortilla bread on their heads,
They carry the burden as breadwinners.
Experiencing life is just like drinking water—only you can understand what it is like.
Even the roughest palms can do delicate work,
And the most delicate hands can handle everything in the future.

Above: A vocational training center in Kotda Village, India. (Photograph by Yen Lin-chao)

Lower right: A resident works in a tea garden near Huihe Tzu Chi Village, northern Thailand. (Photograph by Yen Lin-chao)

Lower left: A resident sells groceries in front of her house in Changlong Tzu Chi Village, northern Thailand. (Photograph by Yen Lin-chao)

P. 53
Above: A group of peddlers in the Great Love Village in Indonesia. (Photograph by Yen Lin-chao)

Middle and below: In the Great Love Village in Sacacoyo, El Salvador, the residents make and sell tortilla bread. (Photograph by Yen Lin-chao)

P. 54
Witnessing True Emotions:
With laughter and family affection hovering around,
People who live alone are no longer visited by loneliness.
Great Love villages have become cozy homes,
Serving as the warmest harbor in one's life voyage.

Above: In the Tzu Chi Nursing Home in Anhui, China, the elders are delighted upon receiving red envelopes. (Photograph by Wang Chung-fu)

Below: A grandmother and her two granddaughters are enjoying the warm sunshine in winter in the Tzu Chi Great Love Village in Nantou, Taiwan. (Photograph by Lin Fung-chi)

P. 55
Above: A mother carries her baby for a walk in Huihe Tzu Chi Village, northern Thailand. (Photograph by Yen Lin-chao)

Below: A mother is feeding her child breakfast in Xinghwa Tzu Chi Village, Jiansu Province in China. (Photograph by Lin Yen-huang)

P. 56
Developing Hopes:
With a lift, a step, and a turning back,
Children's dreams fly high along with their leaps.
Drawings are painted along the entire road,
And on the children's innocent smiling faces
Adults' hopes develop along with those smiles.

Above: In Nantou Tzu Chi Village, Taiwan, aboriginal children are running happily. (Photograph by Yen Lin-chao)
Below: Group activities during recess at the Tzu Chi elementary school in El Salvador. (Photograph by Yen Lin-chao)

P. 57
Above: A child plays soccer in the Great Love Village in Sacacoyo, El Salvador. (Photograph by Yen Lin-chao)

Below: The surface of the vast road serves as a painting canvas for children in Cengkarang, Indonesia. (Photograph by Yen Lin-chao)

Text by Hung Shu-feng and Hsiao Ming-yun
Translated by Yen Pei-yu


P. 48
Celebrating New Homes:
The housewarming ceremony is quite boisterous, and every neighbor comes to see us dancing. Who says my clothes are too bright? Who says my dancing is too exaggerated? Who doesn't smile to see new houses? Miao women perform traditional dances at the inauguration ceremony of a new Tzu Chi Village in Guizhou Province, China. (Photograph by Lin Yen-huang)

P. 49
(Above) Children stand in line to welcome the guests at the opening ceremony of the Sacacoyo Great Love Village in El Salvador. (Photograph by Yen Lin-chao)
(Below) A small child joins in an activity making rice dumplings in the opening ceremony of a Tzu Chi Village for needy families in Taiwan. (Photograph provided by Tzu Chi headquarters in Hualien)

P. 50
Comforting Minds:
The smoke from a kitchen chimney emits our passion;
The sweeping and cleaning wipe out our sorrows,
Under the azure sky a vast ground of beautiful scenes is exposed.
We can wipe off our past because we can see a glorious future.
(Above) Residents dry their radishes under the sun in a village in Anhui, China. (Photograph by Yen Lin-chao)
(Below) A woman makes traditional food in her kitchen in Kotda, India. (Photograph by Yen Lin-chao)

(Right) The rooftop of every Great Love house in Guizhou is used for drying rice. (Photograph by Lin Yen-huang)
(Below) A woman hangs clothes before her Great Love house in Sacacoyo, El Salvador. (Photograph by Yen Lin-chao)

P. 52 Breadwinners:
Lifting bricks for building and carrying tortilla bread on their heads,
They carry the burden as breadwinners.
Experiencing life is just like drinking water—only you can understand what it is like.
Even the roughest palms can do delicate work,
And the most delicate hands can handle everything in the future.

Above: A vocational training center in Kotda Village, India. (Photograph by Yen Lin-chao)

Lower right: A resident works in a tea garden near Huihe Tzu Chi Village, northern Thailand. (Photograph by Yen Lin-chao)

Lower left: A resident sells groceries in front of her house in Changlong Tzu Chi Village, northern Thailand. (Photograph by Yen Lin-chao)

P. 53
Above: A group of peddlers in the Great Love Village in Indonesia. (Photograph by Yen Lin-chao)

Middle and below: In the Great Love Village in Sacacoyo, El Salvador, the residents make and sell tortilla bread. (Photograph by Yen Lin-chao)

P. 54
Witnessing True Emotions:
With laughter and family affection hovering around,
People who live alone are no longer visited by loneliness.
Great Love villages have become cozy homes,
Serving as the warmest harbor in one's life voyage.

Above: In the Tzu Chi Nursing Home in Anhui, China, the elders are delighted upon receiving red envelopes. (Photograph by Wang Chung-fu)

Below: A grandmother and her two granddaughters are enjoying the warm sunshine in winter in the Tzu Chi Great Love Village in Nantou, Taiwan. (Photograph by Lin Fung-chi)

P. 55
Above: A mother carries her baby for a walk in Huihe Tzu Chi Village, northern Thailand. (Photograph by Yen Lin-chao)

Below: A mother is feeding her child breakfast in Xinghwa Tzu Chi Village, Jiansu Province in China. (Photograph by Lin Yen-huang)

P. 56
Developing Hopes:
With a lift, a step, and a turning back,
Children's dreams fly high along with their leaps.
Drawings are painted along the entire road,
And on the children's innocent smiling faces
Adults' hopes develop along with those smiles.

Above: In Nantou Tzu Chi Village, Taiwan, aboriginal children are running happily. (Photograph by Yen Lin-chao)
Below: Group activities during recess at the Tzu Chi elementary school in El Salvador. (Photograph by Yen Lin-chao)

P. 57
Above: A child plays soccer in the Great Love Village in Sacacoyo, El Salvador. (Photograph by Yen Lin-chao)

Below: The surface of the vast road serves as a painting canvas for children in Cengkarang, Indonesia. (Photograph by Yen Lin-chao)