2003-10-30 13:47:29昨日

【作家身影】About..Sylvia Plath---Family

After winning a Fulbright scholarship, Plath attended Newnham College, Cambridge (England), where in 1956 she met the poet Ted Hughes, whom she married a year later. Plath’s early poetry was based on the then current styles of refined and ironic verse. Under the influence of her husband, and the work of Dylan Thomas and Gerald Manley Hopkins, she greatly developed her talents.

In 1957 Plath returned to the U.S., where she worked as a teacher of literature at the Smith College. From 1958 to 1959 she worked as a clerk in Boston and studied poetry at Robert Lowell’s course. In 1959 Plath once again returned to England. Her first child, Frieda Rebecca, was born in 1960, the second, Nicholas Farrar, in 1962.In the following year appeared her well-known poems, ’Lady Lazarus’ and ’Daddy’, in which Plath expanded the boundaries intimate expression.

Every woman adores a Fascist,
The boot in the face, the brute
Brute heart of a brute like you.
(from ’Daddy’, 1966)

When Ted Hughes abandoned her for Assia Wevill, Plath committed suicide in London on January 7, 1963. Tragically, Assia Wevill also killed herself in the same fashion - asphyxiation by gas fumes from a domestic oven.

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