2004-05-09 22:01:02昨日

回憶 當吸引滅失時

沒了 吸引力 只 剩下 互斥力
彷彿 就隔著一道玻璃壁
在 你我之間 矗立 聳動

偶薾 手掌沿著不整合面
緩緩移動 到底
成了無力扭轉事實的 傻子


正面 或 反面 的身影

欲走 或 還留 的愛情

原來 到頭來

手心殘存的 僅是如此

The pic is from ”Corbis”


Bikini-clad prostitutes display themselves @ the windows alongside the canals of Amsterdam’s infamous Red-Light district. Preaching tolerance, Amsterdam’s practice of legalized prostitution attracts hundreds of thousands of amorous male tourists each year. All of the city’s legalized prostitutes pay tax & are obliged to undergo regular health checks if they wish to continue practicing their profession.

Photographer: Seamas Culligan
Date Photographed: December 2, 2002

上一篇:蟲 塚
