2008-01-24 14:40:06小S

超級比一比_工會 Union





資料來源:Australian Council of Trade Union (ACTU)


Your union

Your union is made up of people like you. The ’union’ is all the union members in your workplace. It is this union of people in your workplace who make the decisions about how your union operates at work.

The more employees in your union at work, the stronger your union is. The strength of your union comes from the majority of employees working together and supporting each other to improve your workplace.

People become members of a union so that they can have a stronger, unified voice in their workplace. Your union has a number of levels. Firstly, and most importantly, it is the people you work with.

But your union at work is also linked to other unions in other workplaces in the same industry. Where the issues that are important to your union at work are also important to other union members in your industry, by working together, your strength is even greater.

If you have an important issue at work, getting your union to support you is important. Your workplace union should have at least the majority of employees in it. That way, you know you have the support of most of the staff. You can also satisfy management that your union represents the interests of not just some staff, but most staff.

You should elect a union representative, who has the authority to represent your union member’s interests. It is important to have a union representative because they are protected by law from discrimination because of their special role protecting member’s interests. Also, sometimes it is easier to deal with a problem if management doesn’t know who has asked for it to be dealt with. A union representative can represent your interests without anyone knowing which union members are involved.

Electing a good union representative is important because you need to have confidence in their ability to represent your interests and that they reflect the approach you wish to take in improving things at work.

As a union member, you have access to expert people who can support your union at work. Your union organiser is there to help you resolve workplace issues and keep you informed of what other workplace unions are doing in your industry.

The union’s industrial staff can assist in negotiations, legal cases and provide you with information about your rights and developments in your industry.

Your union also can provide training for you on how to resolve issues at work and other useful skills you may need to have a strong and effective union at work.

How do you start a union at work?

The best place to start is probably to contact the union that covers your industry. If you work in the call centre industry, one of the five union links on the home page is probably the union for you. If you are unsure, contact the hotline and they can tell you.

You should speak to your colleagues at work and get their support. That way your union will be stronger from the start. A good idea is to arrange for those interested in starting a union to meet the union organiser somewhere where everyone feels comfortable to ask questions and talk about the issues. A café near work or at the union office before or after work are usually good places.

Once you and your colleagues have decided to join the union, you can start working out how you want it to operate at work. This might depend on what your employer’s attitude to your union is likely to be. If you think they may not be supportive, it may be better to have a few meetings away from work where you can encourage more people to join and wait till your union is stronger before you try to tackle an issue.

Once you are ready to announce your union and maybe start to deal with an important issue, you should think about electing a representative. Working with your organiser, you should now be on the way to establishing a good, effective union in your workplace.

How does a union operate in the workplace?

This is entirely up to your union members. Strong unions usually have at least one representative for each work area. If it is a large workplace, the representatives may have assistants, one for every ten employees usually is sufficient to ensure everyone has access to information and has someone there to help them if they need it.

Union members should be able to approach their representative if they have a problem they need help with. Good workplace unions usually arrange regular meeting times for union representatives with their organiser so that issues can be discussed and if the representative needs help from the organiser to resolve an issue.

Will we have to go on strike if the union office wants us to?

No. Your union members at work make the decision whether to strike or not.

Will my manager know that I’m a union member?

Not if you don’t want them to. You can join the union confidentially. Your union representative and organiser will be well trained not to ever disclose who the members are unless the member wants them to.

What if I change my mind about joining a union?

You can resign from the union at any time.