2004-09-29 10:57:46Angel

New York is a Big Apple

I have taking 3 courses now in New York
1.Human Resources Management
2.Business Strategy
3.Small Business Management
4.Introduction to woaman Study

All of the above subject bears with 3 credits that mean i need to have 3 hours lesson every week.Only woman study needs 2 hours lesson every week because this course involves a community service component.Within this semester,I need to spend 20 hours for community service and I need to find an organization which I would like to contribute my myself.At the beginning,I contact Children's Hope Foundation which is an org. to help AIDS children.However,they said they only has 2 events that i can help.One is Halloween party,one is Christmas party.It takes 8 hours for each of them.Obviously i should get another organization to work for so i can spread the time out,otherwise i will get into trouble for my final paper and presentation.

Finally I found an organization which is called New York Care.It said after you have attended an one hour orienation,you can volunteer in any activities.No interview,no training is needed. And,they have hundred of projects every month.You can choose to serve for senior,children,homeless,hunger,AIDS....This is so awesome!!!

So i registered the orientation on Saturday and i attended the orientation just yesterday.

At the beginning of the orienation,the leader asked us several questions,you should try to guess the answer:
1.What is the umempolyment rate of New York City in January 2003?

2.How many children in NYC is living under poverty line?
d.1 million

3.How many % of NYC residents need to rely on food assistant to prevent hungry?

Don't know why..my tears came out....

I will do a lot of volunteer work in this semester,i know it must be more than 20 hours.

the answer are: