2004-09-27 11:57:46Angel

The poorest girl in my school

I really believe that there are more black people than white people here,i mean in New York.

Except the place that i live.

I am living in Brooklyn Height.When i first come here,i didn't feel that it is a good place.After i travel around the city,i really think that i am living in a very good area.I read the book that i bought in HK,it said Brooklyn Height is the region that with most gorgeous house,it is a area for rich.I totally agree with it.

When i told Rob that i am living in Brooklyn,he said"o..u must be careful..there are a lot of black and bad people living in Brooklyn and they say nothing good."I said" Rob,i am living in Brroklyn Height,just near the Brooklyn Bridge ,near the harbour, i m not living in the deep Brooklyn area.Most of the people who are living nearby are white people.

Another local guy also told me lastnight,many people who live in Brooklyn Height are white and they go to work in Wall Street.

when i was in HK,the dorm is located in Kowloon Tong,it is also a very expensive area. Everytime people ask me"where do u live?" i answered Kowloon Tong,they will say..o u are rich..just like now...i am a poor poor girl,living in Brooklyn Height,living in New York City.Sometimes i think maybe i am the poorest person in this building.If not,i must be the poorest person in my school,Pace University.

The tuition fee of my school is HK$170,000 for 2 semester.fucking 170,000 HK dollars,only for tuition fee.You still need to buy books,house rent,eat,traffic...

and the text book here is extremely ridiculousely expensive,it is about $100US for one book,that means $800HK.If i need a $800 book in HK,probably i am studying medic or laws.
The rent for my dorm room is $8000HK per month,in HK i am probably living in a 700ft sq. luxary flat.The meal of Mcdonold is $40HK,KFC is $50HK.The price for one toilet roll is $6HK but only with one layer thick.In HK,probably there will be 999 gold fragments inside the toilet paper so u can mix your shit with gold and then flesh them into the sea.

P.S.The income of my family for an entire year is 130,000.