2005-01-05 14:46:52尚未設定

From my second mom ...3

We were so glad to get your email.?Glad to here all is going well and you are busy.?Yes I understand that some times when we get too busy we need time to ourselves, but usually when we get that time off we start missing to get busy again.

We are all doing well here yet if you haven't spoken or written to Sandra yet you should she has lots to talk about her mom.?Please let me know if you haven't heard from her and I'll let her know to write to you.?Just so that you know a little her mom is not well at all.

The weather has been not too bad but yet is has been quite cold lately.?Tonight was really cold and last night we has a few flacks of snow.?But all in all not bad.

Well you take care and remember we really miss you to and take good care.?Tell me more of what you are up too.

Love you from mom and dad 2nd!!!
Rick and Doreen
