2005-01-05 14:45:41尚未設定

From my second mom ...2

Last we heard from you was Sept.?Hope all is going well for you.?Good for you to have been busy with the Freshmen.?So how is all going now.?Have you started right into school and work??We sure do miss you even though we didn't see you often.

My dad is doing well and they got all the cancer I don't remember if I already told you that the last time I spoke to you.

Well we are doing good and really busy with work and everything.?Rick is getting ready to go hunting this coming week and and the following week.?So he is excited.

The weather today is really shitty.?REally cold!!! with little bit of snow nothing is staying but yuk!!! and then they are saying it suppose to be +19 on Thursday and nice for the weekend just too crazy!!!

WEll I'll sign off from the Crazy Northern Canada for now well write again soon.

Love you Angela and miss you lots.

Your second mom and dad (Rick and Doreen)

oct. 05. 04