2005-01-05 14:44:17尚未設定

From my second mom

Bonjour ma belle!!! (Hello my pretty)

We got both your e-mails it was really great to hear from you and that you got home safe.?I sent to you our Birthday dates. We also got your lovely card. You are a beautiful young woman.

We would have liked to have spend more time with you but sometimes circomstances make it difficult.?But what time we did spend was precious.?You are a wonderful, thoughtful person and will definately go far in life.?We only send you best wishes and prayers.

My dad is finally home and is going much better.?He had a set back while in the hospital but all is well now.?He is happy to be home.?Thank you for your thoughts in your card!!

The weather here has been pretty much unpredictable as usual.?One day we are freezing and the next we are so hot it is incredible.

Well hope all is well with you Angela and that school has started off on a good foot.

We wish you well and keep in contact by e-mail.?We love you and of course miss you lots.

Love Rick and Doreen (2nd mom and dad from Canada (Cochrane))
