2004-06-01 18:51:41彩虹仙子


How will you describe “time”?

It's such an amazing system designed by God. Every one owns it, but nobody can keep it. It lives with its own style, not affected by anybody, anything.

It took some of my precious assets away, but it keeps bringing me great things. I got wisdom, I got memories, I got hurt, I got tears…I got the things you do not have.

Everyday hearing people say, “I got a difficult time…” some say, “it’s a great time for me…” Time is devil and angel.

Ten years later, who knows how the world changes? Who knows whether I am in heaven or hell or still on earth?

Day in, day out, what did you get from it? What will you get from it?

Through the window, I can see it pushing the clouds away from me, without my consent.

I got mad.