2004-09-09 15:30:39andie






Subject: 你們覺得可以用什麼方式告訴大家這家超級爛的翻譯社


A translation company located in Taiwan is looking for part-time or full-time traditional Chinese to English translator (not English to traditional Chinese), you can work at home via email!!
Requirements: (1) Master or PHD degree preferred, can work 20 hours at least in the weekdays, have PC and email account and mobile phone ready.
(2) Must have very good command of English because Chinese to English translation is a different story than English to Chinese translation, in the former,English is not your mother tongue .
(3) Must be able to finish a translation case right in time (because each case has its deadline).
(4) Must provide an account in Taiwan since the transfer of payment across country which involves foreign currency exchange is too expensive. You can provide an account with internet bank function such that you can check the balance through internet bank service.
Payment:Roughly 10 USD to 12 per hour.
To apply:Please send your resume for a brief introduction indicating what kinds of fields you can do for the translation.
Email to us at: ohmygod@hotmail.com
Thanks a lot for your attention.


From: ”Ohmygod Translation Service”
To: (避免表姊曝光所以改掉email address)
Subject: Re: Employment as Translator
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 16:35:34 +0800

Dear Sir/Madame,

Thank you for your interest with us, your questions are answered in the spaces right after your questions.

”I don’t know what’s wrong with me” at Ohmygod Translation Service (我的天翻譯社)

From: ”I don’t wrong what’s wrong with me” < ohmygod@hotmail.com>
Subject: FW: Employment as Translator

>From: ”aaaaaa”
>To: ohmygod@hotmail.com
>Subject: Employment as Translator
>Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2004 11:11:59 -0400
>August 29, 2004
>I was made aware of your advertisement for a traditional Chinese to English translator. This sounds like something in which I would be interested in participating.
>My name is AAAAAA; I was born and grew up in Taiwan. I am a native traditional Chinese speaker. I came to the United States in 1993 to pursue a Masters Degree. I received a Masters Degree in Reading and Language Arts from the Florida State University in 1996. Since becoming a US Legal Permanent resident, I have worked full time as a System Review Specialist for the State Government. I am fluent in both Mandarin and English. I believe I would be perfect for this job.
>I can work part time, in the evenings after work or weekends. Before I get more deeply involved in this endeavor, I need to know a few things.
>1. How are we paid for the work? Does each translation job come with an hourly rate assigned or do we keep track of actual hours worked?
>#Ans: We pay you by each Chinese character count for C to E translation in each case, if you translate regularly and the case is in your expertise of translation field, you should have no problem to reach 10~12 USD per hour. For instance, if a case is 3000 C words, we pay you 1500 NT dollars, I think you should be able to finish it in less than 3.75 hrs.
>2. About getting paid in Taiwan. Do you do direct deposit to the bank account? Can you recommend any banks that have online banking?
>#Ans: Provide us an account in Taiwan, we ATM transfer the money to your account here in Taiwan. How to transfer the money to USA from Taiwan’s account into your hand is your business, we don’t take care that part.
>3. Can a person do just the amount of work that they can handle? At least 20 hours? Can a person work weekends?
>#Ans: sure you can work at weekend.
>4. Do you require a certain number of hours or minimum number of translations per week?
>#Ans: Sure, if you can only work one hour in a whole week, you find other employer for you.
>5. What amount of turn around time is given for the translations? Meaning how long do I have to finish each one? That day? Next day? Depends on length of document to be translated?
>#Ans. Sir, just tell us how many hours you are avaialble(翻譯社的人拼錯字,available) Monday thru Friday. if you are available only 6 hours in the next two days, and we have a case due in next two days but takes 10 hours, we of couse (翻譯社的人又拼錯字,course)won’t find you, we will pick up another translators from those hundreds in our translator database.
>#Don’t you think your Q is a little stupid, send us something call ”Resume” to let us understand more about you.
>Best regards,



 Don’t you think your reply was a bit insulting? Perhaps I am wasting my energy to write to someone who does not even know something called ”manners”. But I think at least someone needs to let you and your company know how you treat people.
 I asked questions about the position because I was interested in the job and would like to know more about your company. I never expected the word ”stupid” would be employed.
 I think it’s a common practice to find out about the job details before applying for the position. From the job hunting experiences I’ve had in the US, it’s very common for the applicant to call or to write for the position descriptions. This avoids wasting time and effort for both the employer and the applicant. This shows a mutual respect to each party.
 Well, from the attitude I gleaned from your e-mail, I think I don’t need to waste my time in becoming more involved with you company. If asking questions results in being treated like dirt. I cannot image how it would be for anyone to actually work for your company.
 Perhaps the reply I received from your company is just an isolated case, but it represents the image of the company.
 Through the Taiwanese Student Association, I obtained the vacant position information. I could also spread the word of how I was treated throughout the same place and more. Who knows? It might save someone a slap in the face if they ever need to deal with your company.
  I am not sure if any quality control unit exists in your company that would monitor an employee’s behavior, but if so, I deeply hope its functions will be strengthened.
 It’s pity to see the reputation of a company, that emphasizes its quality control and its management style, be destroyed by some employee who does not even know how to spell manners.
 I am not in need of this job, I just wanted to express how insulting it was to be treated disrespectfully. It probably does not matter to your company to have somebody like me work for you. Well, perhaps one day, the existence of your company will not matter to anyone else as well.



從你們的來信的態度, 我想我也不需再耗費時間和你們多做任何的互動。光是應徵就被如此對待,誰知道往後還會遇到什麼樣的事情?


