2006-11-15 01:03:26AM 成員是也~!

Michelle:’’exam 17個死曬, 14號 Eleanor Heong 死左’’

to michelle,

Michelle 2006-11-19 16:48:24

我係話講li 句ge 哥個人就係Mr Abert Lee 而Mr Lee 亦都係farrah fong ge 理想情人 ja ma

當Mr Lee 講li 句野Ge 時候 係同差唔多成班人講所以我地成班都知eland ge 分 ja ma

kandi 2006-11-18 23:10:14

amy : i agree

amy 2006-11-18 05:26:13

well.....michelle...i ithink u need to improved both yr chinese and english law....cos....i really donno wt u are talking abt...