2006-11-02 16:08:09AM 成員是也~!


wei.....le de dim ar....

how’s school ar?

exam coming la bor...

add oil la...

wo dec will come back ga la...

wait for me la.....^3^~~

kelly 2006-11-18 22:25:55

me too la........

Michelle 2006-11-14 15:32:56

i am afaid that i will ......also next year all my english subject all fail ar !!! maths 唔駛講啦!! ( exam 17個死曬, 14號 Eleanor Heong 死左) bert bert 感樣同我地班D人講ga ... 個17 個裡面一定有我啦!! dim 算好啊!! 唔通連個天都要玩我??

amy 2006-11-10 16:17:53

i will back be4 yr birthday ga ...i think i will ge..haha...
what do u want to do a? have dinner togather?
cos i have check la...all the ppl will having their x- mas holiday already at that time ga la..candy dou hai...so let us find sth to do la..