2007-04-11 19:35:36小雞~

3/5 Chat room

3/5 Chat room 10:00~12:00
Hello friends and welcome to the chat room. I’m Andrea and ’m Ken. So Ken what are we going to chat about today? Well, our lesson talks about Steve Fossett and his test for adventure. uh...his test for adventure? What do you mean? Here, take a look! His test for adventure. Oh.. no, Ken. It’s his taste for adventure. The word is pronounced taste . taste .yep! You got it. So a taste for adventure does that mean that he eats adventure like you have a taste for something sweet? No, here the verb means something that you enjoy or experience not something that you want to eat. For example, you can have a taste for trying new things. That means you enjoy the experience of trying new things. Now what are something that you have a taste for, ken? Well, I have a taste for mystery. I enjoy watching mystery movies and reading mystery books. So do you have a taste for adventure like Steve Fossett? I do enjoy adventure. So yes. I can say that I have a taste for adventure. He has a taste for literature. And someone who has a taste for adventure can be called an adventurer. An adventurer likes to go on new adventures. Learning English is always an adventure and friends we hope you have a taste for it. Thanks for joining us today. Let’s take a break at studioclassroom. We will be right back.

Usage tip 18:00~19:27
Hello friends. Thank you for joining us for today’s usage tip. My name is Liz and my name is Oscar. Hi Oscar. What’s sentence for today? Today’s sentence is, while a student at Stanford University, he spent his summers climbing. We are going to focus on the first part of the sentence. “ While a student at Stanford University ” Actually we could add “he was” to the phrase and get “while he was a student at Stanford University .” So this is an example of how you can change an adverb clause and make it into a shorter phrase. But how and when do you make such a change? First of all, if you want to change this clause, take out the subject and the Be Verb. Secondly, you’ll make this kind of change when the subject of the adverb clause is the same as the subject in the main sentence. For example, is that saying while I was waiting for my friend, I read the news paper. We could say “while waiting for my friend, I read the newspaper.” Or instead of saying “While she was walking down the street, she began to sing out loud.” We can say “while walking down the street, she began sing out loud” Well, that’s all the time we have for today. Don’t forget to check out today’s usage tip in your magazine. And check out those example sentences. We’ll see you again next time. Bye-bye. Bye.

哈囉朋友們 感謝你們今天跟我們一起參予usage tip 我是Liz 我是 奧斯卡 嗨!奧斯卡 今天的句子是什麼呢?今天的句子是,一個在讀Stanford University的學生 他在暑假的時候去爬山 我們今天的重點在於每段句子的第一句話 “一個在讀Stanford University的學生”其實我們可以在一個在讀Stanford University的前面加he was 這就是怎麼讓一個句子縮短的例子 但是要怎麼改變呢? 第一 如果你想改變這個句子 把整個主詞和be動詞去掉 例如 當我在等我朋友時 我讀報紙 我們可改說為 當等待我朋友時 我讀報紙 或是 當她走到街尾時 她把歌聲大聲的唱了出來 我們可說 當走到街尾時 她把歌聲大聲的唱了出來 嗯 這些就是今天的課程 別忘了再看一遍今天你的雜誌的usage tip 然後再看看那些例句 我們下次見 再見!