2007-04-06 20:56:09小雞~

空中英語~3月 單字總整理

scene: hockey: spoiled: stick: most of the time:
competitive: foolish: tempers: led: argument: qualities
moody: area: confident: treat: insult: regularly: respect: eventually: furious: return: upside down: depress afterward:

advice: temporary: security: herd: loner: support: university:
graduated: choice: encourage: peaceful: negative: nowadays:
memories: lifetime: glad: freezing: hot-air balloon: dozen: record:
aviation: sailing: thrill: endurance: recent: persistent:
effort: nonstop: solo: determination: grueling attempt:
appetite: adventure: Europe:

graduating: earned: master degree: fortune: millionaire: participating: numerous: competition: including: biking:
instead: official: crew: established: conquered: frontier: frontier: accomplishment:

numb: trail: tug: sled: frozen wilderness: musher: grueling: snowstorm: excel: rest: regardless: hero:

background: native: traditional: customs: backyard:
rapids: dense jungle: stretches: isolated: countryside: entire: advice: avoid : rafting: monsoon: paced: take in: landscape :
nomadic: fossils: earliest: residents: unique: paths: cruise:
trekking: northern: trek: tribal: raft: elevation: especially:
scuba diving: paradise: alongside: tropical: coral: reefs: worldwide:

looking forward to : catch: explored: roast beef: dessert :
excellent: instant: barbecue: lasagna: garlic: ingredient: relax: peas: make at home: refrigerator: ingredient:
it’s a deal:

roar: mist: rise: natives: thunder: huge: curtain: drop:
mighty: cubic: meters: pour: provides: content: helicopter:
beneath: backwash: gazing: adrenaline rush: rapids:
shoot:: excitement: launch: to ward: wilderness : admire:

firework: nature: feature: ribbon: horizon: charged particles:
collide: gases: violent: display: visible: northern: solar:
storm: releases: particles: impressive:

author: whisk: passengers: backward: forward: step: exist:
serve: sort: consider: preserve: educate: entertain: inspire: dinosaur: skeleton: space capsule: treasure: mankind: natural history: marvel: rare plant: upper class: depending: devoted::
observe: exhibit: interact: simulated:

precious: showcase: variety: certainly: quirky: creepy: jars and jars: parasite: tapeworm: oddly: couples: worm: pair: ranges: ancient: sandals: celebrities: put yourself in someone else’s shoes:

intriguing : lawbreaker: especially: loaves: device: screw: truth twice: painting: pile: hilarious: admission: invite: left out: recently : shocked: horrible: untrue: cruel: humiliated: waste: ignore: situation: blow over: treat them down: give a taste of their own: build: mature: set up:

expert: percent: nonverbal: movement: indicate: entirely: differ: universal: distract: be given you away: benefit: slouch: fidget: yawn: approachable: proper: gesture: nodding: agreement: palm:
motions: honesty: openness: speak for itself: actions speak louder than words:

recognize: corner: basic: skill: draw a blank: introduce: avoid:
awkward: pause: fortunately: situation: occupation: discussing: politics: religion: impolite: marital status: salary: conversationalist:
encourages: foster: such: limits: partner: response: conversing:
area : in progress: controversial: contact:

value: concentrate: rather than: normal: unless: interrupt: clue: passive
details: phrases: draw out: suggestion:
