2016-07-26 21:08:12amyi2514wddi

toeic補習班 自己學英文 meed中文意思是什麼

    全國補習班 高一英文 如何學英文會話家教中心 聽故事學英文 看電影學美語初級英文 作文家教線上英語對話 免費學英文會話英文教學 youtube 英語教學網站 英文免費學習家教 學英文 卡通兒童英文班 人際溝通英文基礎 初級英文課程





n. 名詞 〈詩〉報酬;獎賞,賞與;稱贊,足夠的份兒,值得接受的東西(of)。

one's meed of praise 應有的稱贊。師德英檢成績查詢 補習英文怎麼說 如何?英文

  • Yes, but we meed some help. we never tried korean barbecue before

  • Sir, you have now given me my " cadeau " ; i am obliged to you : it is the meed teachers most covet - praise of their pupils progress 安親班課程表 全民英檢中高級考古題 英語從頭學下載

    「先生,你已經給了我cadeau ,我很感謝你,贊揚學生的進步,是教師們最嚮往的酬勞。 」
  • A little shamefaced girl lisped, " mary had a little lamb, " etc., performed a compassion - inspiring curtsy, got her meed of applause, and sat down flushed and happy

  • Her shadow had faded across the threshold. the helpful inmate had departed, without one backward glance to gather up the meed of gratitude, if any were in the hearts of those whom she had served so zealously

  • Miss temple is full of goodness ; it pains her to be severe to any one, even the worst in the school : she sees my errors, and tells me of them gently ; and if i do anything worthy of praise, she gives me my meed liberally


    medullated, medullitis, medusa, meek, meek-eyed, meerkat

      雅思課程 英檢考試日期toeic補習班 自己學英文線上多益 會話英語台北市全美語幼稚園 語言訓練 看公視學英語考英文 商業英語對話英文聽力 高雄外籍英文家教 師資班安親班 英文 西班牙文老師多益線上課程 成人英語補習班免費英語會話 幼兒美語家教新多益 多益 看電影學英文軟體 ted 英文
