2016-05-24 20:03:04amyi2514wddi

多益 線上 英文 toeic 英國遊學 quick working punch中文意思是什麼

    網路全民英檢 一對的英文 家教行情日語補習班 對話 英文全民英檢中級單字下載 小朋友學英文 免費英文教學網站線上一對一英文教學 會話教學多益課程 線上免費英文學習線上學習系統 英文口語免費美語教學 線上英文學習 英文 一對一 推薦多益 線上 英文 toeic 英國遊學



quick working punch中文意思是什麼

quick working punch解釋


  • quick: n 奎克〈姓氏〉。adj 1 快,迅速的,急速的 (opp slow); 短時間的。2 敏捷的;機敏的,聰明的,伶俐的...
  • working: adj 1 工作的,從事勞動的。2 操作的,作業的。3 工人的。4 (用於)實際工作的,任事的;使用(中)的...
  • punch: n 1 潘趣〈英國木偶戲 Punch and Judy 中的主角,背駝,鼻長而鉤, Judy 是他的妻子,時常和他吵架〉。2...

  • Finally, the controller working based on the combination of rbf neural networks and traditional pid control was applied to in aclinic kinetic machinery and lifting machinery of tower crane. the simulation of this controller was made using matlab, and the simulation results showed that the control system has some merits, such as quick response, little overshoot, well anti - jamming capacit適合學英文的電影 進修 英文y, and little steady - state error, etc. both the dynamic property and static characteristic of this controller are better than traditional pid controller, and meet the tower crane

  • Bare copper flat wire technology is adopted for wire package, with h class insulant as bedding to realize functions like : quick heat dissipation, high efficiency and long working life

  • The experiments prove that the method of updating 3d stereo digital relief map based on digital photogrammetical mapping system is a brand new method, which has some excellent characteristics : quick working speed, shortened produce period and high accuracy

  • Diagrams for example coal consumption and thermal efficiency in the light of online calculation presented by a software about boiler economic performance optimization developed with the tools visual c + + give you quick analysis and visualized judgment for boiler under different working conditions

    ( 3 )用visualc + +開發工具對鍋爐經濟性能優化軟體進行了開發。根據現場運行提供的數據,通過計算,圖表顯示煤耗、鍋爐效率等參數的特性曲線;快速直觀的分析、判斷不同運行工況下鍋爐的可靠性與經濟性。
  • To solve this problem, quick range measurement30個免費學英文網站 英文會話學習 全球英檢題庫 technology was researched based on the method of propagation delay and working principle of cpld. a time measurement circuit with an accuracy of ? 0. 2m was designed and accomplished. it could finish the whole measurement process in 80ns after the bounced pulse was received

    針對該問題,基於傳遞延時插入法和cpld的工作原理,對快速測距技術進行了研究,研製了一種能實現收到回波脈沖后80ns內完成測距,測距精度0 . 2m的計時電路,並將該電路集成於一片可編程邏輯器件中,減小了電路面積和功耗,增強了抗干擾能力。

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    quick working punch中文意思是什麼
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