2009-03-27 16:29:01amy


在廣播聽到這首歌時    突然很感傷   所以就上網找了歌詞   希望沒有冒犯原著




我有花一朵    種在我心中 含苞待放意幽幽  朝朝與暮暮    我切切的等候 有心的人來入夢 

女人花   搖曳在紅塵中 女人花   隨風輕輕擺動  只盼望     有一雙溫柔手  能撫慰    我內心的寂寞 

我有花一朵  花香滿枝頭 誰來真心尋芳縱 花開不多時啊  堪折直須折 女人如花花似夢 

我有花一朵  長在我心中 真情真愛無人懂 遍地野草以占滿山坡 孤芳自賞最心痛 

女人花 搖曳在紅塵中 女人花 隨風輕輕擺動 只盼望  有一雙溫柔手 能撫慰 我內心的寂寞 

女人花 搖曳在紅塵中 女人花 隨風輕輕擺動  若是你 聞過了花香濃 別問我 花兒是爲誰紅 

愛過知情重   醉過知酒濃 花開花謝終是空 緣份不停留  像春風來又走 女人如花花似夢


I have a flower, the branches are filled with fragrance.

I want to see each petal unfold and touch its softness and smell it's perfume.

the flower wavers in amongst humanity torn by  convention. 
its wind blown and tormented by nature.
the lonely wind echoes past the petals and no one knows i'm   here.
I need a hand to help my lonely heart as solitude controls.
the one that has a true heart is the one that bleeds 
the most from the gentle prick of the thorn.
the petals unfold so slowly to reveal a life time of growth and perfection.
they have waited long and tiresome days and nights. 

the florescence is slow to display and needs to be harvested.
fate stumble comes and goes
like winds...