2004-09-30 09:53:40半調子

break up with a pose-it

yes, I'm talking about Carrie
and what she thought a terrible way of breaking up

"There's no good way of breaking up with someone"
berger's friend said
is there?

why do we consider face to face is better then any other way?
from communication field
FTF(face to face)is considered the most effective and thorough way
of communicating
in other words, we "lose" some kind of clues in other way
for example, facial expression when talking on the phone
tone when getting a letter

so what did a pose-it tell us?
what did a pose-it leave behind?

She was severely struck by it
as a lot of women do (when watchin TV, I mean)
pose-it tells u nothing
and it implies that
there's nothing serious to tell in the past-becoming relationship