2005-10-08 05:53:28小師妹


I cant believe that it is now my fourth year~~~
So much to doooooo…..never ended reading and presentation and essay
I am expecting sth very light in this year and get ready for graduation.
OHH…..thats completely out of my plan (what is my plan, anyway?)

Ummm….studying is not the only thing that borders me, the engagement in film society also takes me a lot of time as well as energy. Since the European Film Festival, people from SU and SO start to call and ask about cooperation…yaa, that’s a good opportunity to learn, it’s just that I don’t want to work with the sloppy people. I hate doing the admin thing as well. But so far things are getting very promising and most importantly, the members in Film So. work very well and working with them do add a bit of joyfulness on the hardship. I always remind myself that it is my last year working in the film so and who knows whats gonna happen after I graduate? But I am certain that I must have no way to squeeze the whole afternoon watching movies at the STDM Auditorium! Ahhh…it’s my last year la! How can time fly this fast? Really hope that I can have more time hanging out with Natasha, Kika and Renee…they Give me so much fun and encouragement. THANKS LA!!!!!!

Another thing happened to me these days which would be included in my school memorable experience is like this:
My classmates always laugh at me for being a CSB( people who in charge of every )helper.

“Hey, Mathilda, can u help me a bit (pointing at the visualizer or DVD player)” Professors said.

Hey, come on, everything is marked and if it doesn’t work even you follow the instruction, I can do nothing on it. Ahhh…..so every time when things happened, I am the one who call at CSB people for help…haaa, they can even recognize my voice: You, again.

But I do enjoy doing this, I learnt a lot from the CSB people and know basically how everything work. Hope that I wont need to call them up by then!!!!

I began to realize how much I am interested in the mechanical thing. Especially the day when I was having the Shakespeare class, something wrong with the dvd player. As usual, I called the CSB and the technician walked in, groping around the machine and try to figure out the problem……I am fascinated by the lines plugging at the back and wonder how do these core connect the VCR, visualizer, DVD player, and the projector….wor…..its like a labyrinth leading people to nowhere and somehow the grey-control box brings you back to the real life. Heee….am I being too imaginative?
At the time being, I didn’t want to go back to my seat and listening to Glenn, talking about how much Bassanio determined to get Portia. I prefer observing the technician fixing up the DVD player…it’s the first time I feel that: 原來我都可以做修理技工架喎!
I recalled the other day when I tried to put the amplifier and the disc player together in my club. I felt a kind of satisfaction when I got it done. There is a rule(or clue?) to follow abt these engineering thing, once you got it, you are very likely to handle all the enginery. So much fun involved!!!! May be someday I can be an aircraft electronic technician…haaaaa

Anyway, You may understand the title of this article if you are a big fan of Japanese TV drama (hints: “Good Luck”)