2019-03-09 00:36:13ammeiuu2somo

【哪裡買最省錢】Maxi-Cosi 邁可適Rock嬰兒提籃 CP值爆表評價

不過剛好最近家裡的舊的Maxi-Cosi 邁可適Rock嬰兒提籃


寶貝說他同事也有買 ,兩個禮拜下來感覺真的很不錯喔!!

所以我跟寶貝馬上googe一下,找看看有沒有Maxi-Cosi 邁可適Rock嬰兒提籃













Maxi-Cosi Infant Car Seat Rock 設計式樣: Sparkling Grey · 2019

The infant car seat "Rock" which conforms to the latest safety standards is Maxi-Cosi's second i-Size infant car seat on the market. It is suitable for children with a size of 45 to 75 cm.

Group/ weight category:

  • Group 0+

  • Suitable for babies from 45 to 75 cm

Conforms to the norm:

  • i-Size (R129)

Maxi-Cosi's infant car seat is part of the FamilyFix One i-Size concept and is to be attached to your car in a rear-facing mode only. Attaching the infant car seat by using the 2Way Fix Base (not included in delivery!) is recommended. The i-Size norm is maintained with only one click. Thanks to Isofix, this is the safest, fasted and easiest way to attach the Maxi-Cosi "Rock" to your car. Alternatively, the infant car seat "Rock" can be fastened with your car's own seat belt and then conforms to the norm ECE R44/ 04.

This comfortable infant car seat comes with a cosy seat insert which is perfect for the first weeks and months of your little one. It embraces your child and provides both a superior lying position and additional protection. The particularly soft padding adds some extra comfort. Innovative, shock-absorbing materials on the upper side wings provide maximum safety in case of a side impact.

An integrated five-point harness with soft pads keeps your little one well protected from the very first day on. A sun canopy supplies your child with privacy and a shady spot.

With the 2WayFamily concept, Maxi-Cosi offers a trio that features maximum security. The infant car seat Rock is part of this trio. According to the i-Size norm for babies and infants, driving in a rear-facing mode is mandatory. On the basis of latest scientific evidence Maxi-Cosi incorporates strict safety standards that feature an improved protection in case of a side and front impact.

That is why, we recommend you to use the Maxi-Cosi Base 2Way Fix as well as a rear-facing car seat that follo會員專屬活動優惠ws the infant car seat.


  • group 0+ / body height of 45 - 75 cm
  • CP值爆表評價

  • norm: i-Size/ R129

  • installation with 2way Fix (not included in delivery!) or car's own seat belt

  • only for using in a rear-facing mode

  • part of the 2WayFamily concept

  • including set insert and sun canopy

  • three-point harness

  • Side Protection System, shock-absorbing materials

  • Certified for aircraft travel

  • Size: W 44 x D 67 x H 37,5 - 56 cm

  • Weight: 3,9 kg

  • Made in Europe




Maxi-Cosi 邁可適Rock嬰兒提籃





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Maxi-Cosi 邁可適Rock嬰兒提籃

推薦, Maxi-Cosi 邁可適Rock嬰兒提籃

討論, Maxi-Cosi 邁可適Rock嬰兒提籃

部落客, Maxi-Cosi 邁可適Rock嬰兒提籃

比較評比, Maxi-Cosi 邁可適Rock嬰兒提籃

使用評比, Maxi-Cosi 邁可適Rock嬰兒提籃

開箱文, Maxi-Cosi 邁可適Rock嬰兒提籃

?推薦, Maxi-Cosi 邁可適Rock嬰兒提籃

評測文, Maxi-Cosi 邁可適Rock嬰兒提籃

CP值, Maxi-Cosi 邁可適Rock嬰兒提籃

評鑑大隊, Maxi-Cosi 邁可適Rock嬰兒提籃

部落客推薦, Maxi-Cosi 邁可適Rock嬰兒提籃

好用嗎?, Maxi-Cosi 邁可適Rock嬰兒提籃
