2005-01-16 03:46:10愛蜜果

What's the Verdict?

There was this one night
The stars were shining bright
You asked, "Can I stay?"
"Of course," what else was I to say?

And thats when it all took place
You and I, lying face to face
I will remember it forever
But it can't happen again, never

Because I know you're with someone
You must think that I'm dumb
But I see right through you
And you haven't got a clue

But the feeling of your touch...
It gave me such a rush
I had wanted it from the start
But I knew it would tear me apart

So what am I to do?
I don't wanna be hurt by you
But I feel myself falling
Especially when you keep calling

But if you decide not to talk
I'm gonna have to walk
You don't think I would
But I will, outta your life for good

It's your choice to make
So don't let it be a mistake
Will you leave, or stay?
Share my love, or walk away?