2019-04-08 12:31:20ameemq8m6eaq

【2019流行商品】Cybex賽百斯M-Line組合系統i-Size座椅 熱門產品開店送禮推薦

















Cybex M-Line Child Car Seat Modular System i-Size本周最新折扣 設計式樣: Tropical Blue/navy blue · 2019

With the M-Line Modular System which conforms to the new i-Size norm, your child can travel safely in a rear-facing mode from birth up to approx. 4 years. The set comes with the Cybex Infant Car Seat Aton M i-Size and its successor the Child Car Seat Sirona M2 i-Size. Both of them can be clicked onto the base M easily.

Group/ weight category:

  • Group 0+/ Cybex Infant Car Seat Aton M i-Size, body height of 45 to 87 cm

  • Group 0+/1 Cybex Child Car Seat Sirona M2 i-Size, body height of 45 to 105 cm

Conforms to the norm:

  • ECE R-129 (i-Size)

By using your individually adjustable Isofix-connectors you can easily attach the Base M to the anchor points in your car. The height-adjustable support foot adds some more stability and safety. Indicators on the base confirm correct installation of the base so that misuse or incorrect installation can be avoided.

A one-click installation enables you to attach the lightweight infant car seat Aton M i-Size easily to the base without extra fastening. A detachable seat insert guarantees the ideal recline angle for new-born babies.

Other great features of the Aton M i-Size are the innovative side protectors, an energy-absorbing shell as well as the headrest that can be adjusted in eleven different levels.

By using an adaptor, you can easily transform the Aton M i-Size into a practical travel system. This infant car seat matches the Cybex buggies and prams perfectly and can even be combi折扣情報ned with gb and many prams of other manufacturers.

In order to make sure that your little one can travel in a rear-facing mode as long as possible you simply have to replace the infant car seat - once your little one has grown out of it - by clicking the child car seat Sirona M2 i-Size onto the Base M. Optionally, your child can travel in a forward-facing mode once he or she has reached 16 months of age or else a body height of 76 cm. The easy-to-use click system makes switching the direction of travel particularly easy.

Its smart design contributes to enough legroom so that even older children enjoy sitting in this car seat. The headrest that can be adjusted in twelve different levels as well as the integrated belt positioner grow with your child. Magnetic belt holders make getting in and off the car seat particularly easy. If the car seat is installed in a rear-facing mode, its sitting and lying position can be adjusted in five different levels, and if the car seat is installed in a forward-facing mode, it can be adjusted 3-fold - this way you can supply your child with the right position at all times.

Details of Cybex Child Car Seat Sirona M2 i-Size:

  • Convertible car seat that is suitable for children right from birth up to 4 years

  • Rear-facing mode: from birth up to 105 cm

  • Forward-facing mode: 76 to 105 cm

  • Minimises risk of injury in case of side impact

  • LSP system - linear side impact protection reduces forces that occur in a crash

  • Sitting and lying position can be adjusted single-handedly (rear-facing: 5 positions/ forward-facing: 3 positions)

  • Headrest can be adjusted in twelve different levels
  • 限時商品介紹

  • Magnetic belt holders for getting in and out of the car seat easily

  • Cover can be machine washed at 30°C

  • Size: L 72 x W 44 x H 66 cm

  • Weight: 14 kg

  • Designed and developed in Germany

Details of Cybex Aton M i-Size:

  • Age suitability: from birth up to a body height of 87 cm max.

  • Attachment according to i-Size norm with Cybex Base M i-Size, alternatively according to ECE R44/04 regulation with car's own seat belt

  • Including removable new-born insert for new-born babies and premature babies

  • LSP - linear side impact protection, innovative side protectors

  • Head and shoulder protectors can be adjusted in 11 different levels

  • XXL sun canopy with UVP 50+

  • Five-point harness, extra wide Y-belts with buckle pads

  • Removable cover, washable at 30°C

  • Size: L 66 x W 44 x H 39 to 56,5 cm

  • Weight: 4,2 kg

Details of Cybex Base M:

  • Compatible with Cybex infant car seat Aton M/ Aton M i-Size and successor Sirona M2 i-Size

  • Simple and quick installation supplies your child with maximum comfort

  • Fastening the seat separately is not required

  • Indicator confirms correct installation

  • Height-adjustable support foot improves stability in case of an accident









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美國轟炸敘利亞!黃金、原油或暴漲 關注A股這些個股

在美英法 3 國對敘利亞進行軍事打擊後,有分析認為,隨著避險情緒升溫,原油和黃金價格或將暴漲,A 股有哪些投資機會?



敘利亞境內及周邊擁有眾多石油生產和運輸的設施,包括蘇伊士運河、Suez-Mediterranean 輸油管道,以及位於敘利亞北部的土耳其則是幾條重要輸油管道的源頭所在地,這些輸油管線負責輸出伊拉克及亞塞拜然原油,土耳其 Ceyhan 港為 Baku-Tblisi-Ceyhan 輸油管道和 Kirkuk-Ceyhan 輸油管道的終點。


有分析認為,上周,原油價格連續上漲,有了 8 個月來的最好單周表現,同時油價達到 3 年多來的新高,都是跟隨敘利亞的局勢,有可能市場一開始交易,原油的價格可能會繼續飆升。


從投資角度來說,中泰證券認為,油服板塊有望由油價上漲主題投資逐步邁向基本面投資。目前投資機會略偏左側,但很有可能迎來類似工程機械 2016 年開始復蘇的戰略性投資機會。

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受近期市場避險需求推動,黃金等資產風頭正旺。本周以來,國際黃金價格延續漲勢,COMEX 黃金期貨主力合約交投在每盎司 1347 美元附近。

此前,由於川普語氣模糊,暗示攻擊可能不會馬上進行,導致股市和美元走高,並抑制對黃金的避險需求,黃金期貨價格在出現了 2 周內的最大跌幅。

分析認為,隨著英法美 3 國聯合轟炸敘利亞,國際戰事升溫,黃金未來可能衝高。

從 A 股來看,這段時間,國際環境充斥著不安定因素,市場避險情緒升溫,作為典型防禦性板塊之一的黃金在近段時間已有明顯走強的趨勢,其中,西部黃金 (601069-CN) 近期走勢強勁。


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