2004-07-31 06:30:34a.me

閱)Sabriel, Lirael, Abhorsen

如期的看完了Garth Nix成一系列的Sabriel、Lirael、Abhorsen。前幾分鐘前才放下了Abhorsen,很久沒有一口氣連看好幾個小時的小說﹔在伴隨著閱讀這幾本書的同時,我覺得我整個人就這樣被吸進一個如此的奇幻世界。






"I'm going to have to bite you properly if you keep up that nonsense," growled the Dog. "Why this sudden preoccupation with dying, anyway?"
"Because I can feel it, feel it all around me," muttered Lirael. "Particularly here."
"That's because the doorways to Death are ajar where many people have died, or where many lie buried," said the Dog absently. "The Blood mixes a little, so there are always Clayr who are sensitive to Death. That's what you feel. You shouldn't be afraid of it."

"First, and least, is Ranna," rected Lirael, the relevant page from The Book of Remembrance and Forgetting clear in her head. "Ranna, the Sleepbringer, will take all those who hear it into slumber.
Second is Mosrael, the Waker. One of the most dangerous bells, and still so in any form. Its sound is a seesaw that will throw the piper further into Death, even as it brings the listener into Life.
Third is Kibeth, the Walker. Kibeth gives freedom of all movement to the Dead, or forces the Dead to walk at the piper's will. But Kibeth is contrary and can make the piper walk where she would not choose to go.
Fourth is Dyrim, the Speaker, of melodious tone. Dyrim may grant speech to the dumb, tongue-lost Dead, or give forgotten words their meaning. Dyrim may also still a tongue that moves too freely.
Fifth is Belgaer, the Thinker, which can restore independent thought, and memory, and all the patterns of what was once in Life. Or, in a careless hand, erase them. Belgaer is troublesome too, always seeking to sound of its own accord.
Sixth comes Saraneth, also known as the Binder. Saraneth speaks with the deep voice of power, shackling the Dead to the wielder's will."
Lirael paused before she recited the name of the seventh and last pipe, the longest, its silver surface forever cold and frightening under her touch.
"Astarael, the Sorrowful," whispered Lirael. "Properly sounded, Astarael will cast all who hear it deep into Death, including the piper. Do not call upon Astarael unless all else is lost."

"Sleeper, Waker, Walker, Speaker, Thinker, Binder, and Weeper," said the Dog..