2009-07-21 19:08:04A M A N D A ™
don’t wanna be your friend
Can you be my lover don't wanna be your friend,
haha. so yeah. i think i'll be stuck at home for these two days
cus it's gonna rain cats and dogs (no pigs, roger)
hmm. i miss (z) (z) (z) =D
okay so today i had my [stupid] piano class
i HOPE i PRAY this will be my LAST one
next year summer = freedom
i finally found someone thats apparently in shanghai too,
our dear YELLOW!
amanda red
amy yellow
christy green
the perfect traffic light =D
paha. we formed this [retarded] 黑社會家族
amanda - 老大
amy - amanda's body guard
joxin and max - 色情
christy - 賭博
roger - 盜版
ridiculous much?
heehee, i NEED to go to HONGKONG
imy O:
LOL HOW DID u cae out with the family thing
its so funny! ;D