2009-07-01 21:37:28A M A N D A ™


teehee. i'm back!
today was rather tiring ):<
so yep, last night i was supposed to stay up to rc,
however i slept halfway, jeez.
woke up at elevenish this morning, had lunch and then prepared to go out :]
left at one sharp, andd uhh. still ended up LATE!
sorry for making you wait, joxin!
harry was like damn physco larh, charging his phone @ mrt station ._.
oh right, we saw couples kissing @ the mrt platform
srsly, wth. they still hired prof photographers to take pic lorh, orz
we were peeking and at the same time laughing so badly
theresa was srsly late, waited for her till 1430, still didn't see her
so we decided to go to luban ourselves first
@ zhongshan, she called (using COLDSTONE workers phone;; cause her phone no batt, or sott liao)
it was super hot at the station, so i had this oh-so-perfect idea of taking mrt 1 station,
then take back (cause mrt got air con)
while we were on the train back to ZHONGSHAN, i suggested that she may not be there yet,
so we should take once more! thennnnnn the train left, and we were like looking/searching for theresa
and guess what, she was there looking for us o_o
HOLY MAMA. my fault lor ):
harry: "我好像看到theresa了~!"
amanda: "我也是! 背著個綠色的包"
harry: "對阿! 走路像個男人婆!"
on the train, she called and we told her to take 1 station and meet @ 延安西路 ._.
confusing hor?
so yeh, we met up at 延安西路 then headed off to luban lu together :]
the xing guang place was somewhat weird x_x
its just like mei luo cheng, except that it sells cams (all)
harry 看中了 this lens thingo, theresa bought 反光板
then we left, headed to xujiahui!
xujiahui, went to burger king first, cause harry didn't eat breakfast+lunch
i just simply love onion rings :]
@ burger king, joxin suddenly turned to say that she saw somebody that looked like somebody
(ignore the previous statement)
best buy was were we went after burger king!
i love best buy, feels so good in there, like everything is yours!
cause you can try on almost every single electronics :P
we checked out the cameras first, me likey....
1. Nikon D60
2. Nikon 5000D?
3. Nikon D90
and we had a great laugh at kvin lim for getting his mac at such a high price,
i had to go home myself cause my dad had this last minute urgent meeting,
my planned ruined ):<
wnated to cabbbbb to gubei with joxin but instead had to mrt back from xjh to songhong to cab back home
reached at 730, showered and had a quick dinner, settled down one hour ago,

i'm ridiculously tired ):
(i have to continue with my PP!)


*amyellow if you happen to read this,
please do tag or something
gosh. it's either msns or your prob TT_TT
i've attempted to chattt with you howeverrrr everytime you don't reply,