2006-01-11 13:47:33阿光


The father’s fists fell on the boy as raindrop fall from sky to the ground, and the pain seemed fully absorbed by the body like a dry plain’s desperate need of the moisture of water.

The boy was hitted down on the stairs, laid still like a monument of guilty record. He didn’t cry at all, slowly get himself up, and picked up the papers that dropped all over the floor.

"How could you be so disgraceful! You didn’t just shame yourself but you shame our family, my face has been spoiled by you!" The father shouted out, kept hitting on the boy, and the hoarse yelling echoed across the verandah, and spontaneously reflected back as a recorder. Every word was like a knife stabbed into the boy’s heart. "shame on you, shame on you, shame on you..."

People gathered around them like watching a real-role-play show, none of them standed out to stop until the teacher came.

"Excuse me sir, please don’t hit the boy like that, I’m the teacher of this school, can you tell me what’s going on?" the teacher asked.

"Shame on this boy! I just informed that he stole someon’s money, againg!" the father’s eyes glanced on the boy with furious fire.

to be continued..