2003-07-11 21:13:34Ali

My Love Pooh Pooh

It's been a while since i cleared my mind about love. well, this trip to new york definitely helps a lot; seeing HIM again makes me realize and clarify what my real feeling towards him. my love for him has faded away; what had been haunting me is nothing but the memory. i should have walked out of the memory of us and looking ahead of the future. prolly the reason i feel little for him is becoz now i have someone else, someone i finally can trust on.
my encounter with Jack is funny, but he thinks it's fate that brought me to him. it was the third day of my arrival in this city; i was having my dinner at a food court at a shopping mall nearby my house, i still remember how tired i was that day, and i looked all messy. then this guy, who later becomes my bf, came to talk to me. "May I join you?" this is what i remember, and this is the sentence that brings him into my life. we had this pleasant conversation then we kept going out in the following days; in the end, we got together. before we decided to be official, i asked him if he knew soon i'll be leaving this city and go back to my own country; he knew but he really wanted to try; he didn't want to regret of missing this chance when looking back his life at age 60. he will try to maintain this relationship, he will fight against the "distance" to love me. i love him becoz of all these words; i know it's more than sweet talking but sincerity. i know he does mean it.
my friends ask me if i am serious about this relationship or it'll be a summer fling to me. at first, i didn't know what my real response would be coz i was confused too. i had no faith in love anymore becoz of all the bad experiences, and the 10-month waiting and missing. i know the next guy i'll love has to try really really hard to win my faith, to save me from my miserable pessimism of love. this is what Jack is doing now.
do u think it is love? when i first met him, i felt totally comfortable when he was driving, i knew i could trust him, just like how i feel when my dad drives. i think this is the first sign of my trust to him.
we've only been together for less than a month, soon we'll be celebrating our first 1-month anniversary, and i hope there will be millions of anniversary awaiting us in the future.
I love my Pooh Pooh!