2003-04-09 23:56:28Ali

Best Friend!? Do I Have One?

第一次聽到「交換日記」這個名詞是從我初中時代的Best Friend, Winny聽來的。她那時曾經寫過交換日記, but not with me...我以為交換日記該是和Best Friend一起寫的。Well, apparantly, she didn't really consider me her Best Friend. But in my heart, she really was my Best Friend at that time. 我會很驕傲的跟別人說她是我最好的朋友,但我從未想過她是否也這樣認為。
我想...Best Friend應該是雙方一起有的「共識」吧!而不該是我這樣的單方面自以為...

從小到大,每個階段我都有我自認為的Best Friend,but I never thought if they thought so as well. How naive I am that I didn't realize it only until NOW!
有人把我當作他/她的Best Friend嗎?

Is there anyone out there who considers me his/her Best Friend?
