甜椒吞拿魚多士 - 抗氧化、高鈣
材料 (3人份)/ 小麥磅包六片、油浸吞拿魚一罐、彩椒兩個、低脂芝士3片
1. 將彩椒洗淨去蒂去籽切成條或圈,吞拿魚去油份備用
2. 將磅包放到電飯煲烘30秒後,取出先鋪上西椒及吞拿魚再鋪上芝士,放回飯煲再烘一分鐘。
雜蔬雞肉意粉 (2人份)
材料/ 意粉
1. 雞肉洗淨後胡椒粉、鹽及橄欖油適量醃10分鐘。
2. 洋葱、西芹、西椒及茄子洗淨去籽切粒;用沸水加鹽烚意粉至七分熟,瀝乾。
3. 於鍋上加煑食用橄欖油加上蒜片及洋葱煎香後加入雞肉炒半熟後加其餘蔬菜炒好,拌入意粉便成。
Toast with tuna, cheese and peppers
Ingredients (3 servings): 6 slices of wheat toast, 1 can of tinned tuna (in oil), 2 peppers (green/yellow/red), 3 slices of low fat cheese
1. Wash and remove the seeds of the pepper cut it in pepper rings or straps. For the tuna, drain the oil away.
2. put the toast in the rice cooker and roast it for 30 sec, take it out and put the peppers, tuna and the cheese on it, put it in the rice cooker again and roast it for 1 minute and it's ready to serve.
Chicken Spaghetti with veggies (2 servings)
Ingredients: Spaghetti
1. Pickle the chicken meat with some black pepper, salt and olive oil for 10min; chop the vegetables and put it aside, cook the spaghetti and drain the water away.
2. fry the garlic and onion with the olive oil to golden brown; put the chicken and then put other vegetables in it and stir-fry the ingredients, finally add the spaghetti and stir it, and it’s ready to serve.