2012-02-29 12:58:25YV

Danshari Master-to-Be 斷捨離準大師

昨天是清理書庫第三波,我兩個弟弟完全沒有「跟親愛的舊書說再見」那種心思,託我全權處理,還開玩笑說「沒關係,反正學位都拿到了」。兩間滿滿的書有些我還可以望字生義看懂大概,例如線性代數、高等微積分、國際法、租稅法、國際貿易事務....等等... 有些光看封面和內容一堆圖表就完全沒頭緒。這麼多線裝書二十年來都沒人去摸過,所以我只要看到很厚的灰塵或是懷疑彷彿有小強住過就送回收。這些書瞬間變成「很重、有點重或是很輕」的物品。原來不識字的人就是這樣處理書籍的呀!

越丟越順手,感受自己的無情。當初不要買就好了,結緣又離緣.... 書籍物品都好無辜!

覺得自己快變成斷捨離大師了!  那就來 parody 一下 Elizabeth Bishop 的詩!

Another Art

(After Elizabeth Bishop's "One Art")

The art of dumping isn't hard to master;
so many things seem filled with the intent
to be dumped that their loss is no disaster,

Dump something every day. Accept the fluster
of dumped notebooks, the paper badly used.
The art of dumping isn't hard to master.

Then practice dumping farther, dumping faster:
pencils, and pens, and what you meant
to use up. None of these will bring disaster.

I dumped my father's old watch. And look! my first, or
next-to-first, of three drawing notebooks went.
The art of dumping isn't hard to master.

I dumped one typewriter, a lovely one. And, vaster,
some boxes I owned, two shelves, a cabinet.
I miss them, but it wasn't a disaster.

-- Even dumping the souvenir pens (the marks, a logo
I love) I shan't have lied. It's evident
the art of dumping's not too hard to master
though it may look like (Write it!) a disaster.

YV 2012-03-10 21:34:07


丁丁 2012-03-09 18:40:48
