2010-01-31 20:40:54YV



佛洛伊德在場的話應該會說什麼吧?! 我自己也很納悶兒!為什麼我拿起毛筆是默寫〈金包銀〉,今天拿起硬筆是寫這個字?(平常我講電話或是聊天的時候會把對方說話的關鍵字逐字聽寫下來。)

不過這個實驗說明了一個重要的訊息:用圖畫紙寫字真的很棒!所有的水性筆以及鉛筆 (當然) 都非常合適!

五年前在 Costo 買一大包要給小姪女畫畫用的,現在用剪刀裁成四張,可以做各種筆記,覺得自己很像十八世紀的作家。呵呵呵~~~ 



YV 2010-02-03 17:24:16

Now I catch your "disease" to chop up words all the time!

Free 2010-02-03 11:49:31

Good! I get to keep my position in ICA!

Ever since I learn this word, I think the cooling thing of this word, TURTLE, is that it's its own 部首!

These... 2010-02-02 23:55:42

are my lovely students!

鬱鬱蒼蒼! That's what came to my mind when I thought of the word 鬱!
I said to my sons, "How come you have a 缶 in the woods?" I love to write words with so many strokes. It is easier to write it beautifully. But of course it might be an exception when I write the word TURTLE in Chinese.