2008-10-19 23:01:43YV






台灣真是一個了不起的地方!什麼藝術表演都可以在這裡演出,雖然一時票房不見得很好,可是研讀票房潛力,還是會讓藝術工作人員雀躍。我們系的外籍兼任老師 David 問我:為甚麼這一個教學這麼僵化的小國家可以養出這麼多這麼多的各式人才和天才來?他幾乎每周都會被他家附近的鄰居嚇到:這麼多業餘畫家、這麼多業餘音樂家、這麼多科技人才都是業餘藝術家,而且作品都可圈可點!

我同意賴聲川的說法:一個限制越多的條件愈可能激發創造力。這是一種 paradox, 怎麼看怎麼不對,可是它發生了。(不相信可以看 Freeman 和 Jenny Babe 的創造力旺盛時機和表現就知道了!)



Shakespeare 很喜歡解構自己的話。當戲劇《暴風雨》進入尾聲,觀眾坐在環球劇場 The Globe 聽著魔法師島主 Prospero 唸這一段台詞,應該更有所感吧?!

   Pro. You doe looke (my son) in a mou'd sort,
As if you were dismaid: be cheerefull Sir,
Our Reuels now are ended: These our actors,
(As I foretold you) were all Spirits, and
Are melted into Ayre, into thin Ayre,
And like the baselesse fabricke of this vision
The Clowd-capt Towres, the gorgeous Pallaces,
The solemne Temples, the great Globe it selfe,
Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolue,
And like this insubstantiall Pageant faded
Leaue not a racke behinde: we are such stuffe
As dreames are made on; and our little life
Is rounded with a sleepe: Sir, I am vext,
Beare with my weakenesse, my old braine is troubled:
Be not disturb'd with my infirmitie,
If you be pleas'd, retire into my Cell,
And there repose, a turne or two, Ile walke
To still my beating minde


YV 2008-10-20 22:49:20

I am flattered again.

LV 2008-10-20 22:04:51
