2008-09-09 09:24:35YV

「伊比椏椏」推薦的【 白人愛什麼】網站



這年頭大家說話都一副 matter-if-factly, 真的搞不清楚是不是在開玩笑呀!
To Ibby 2008-09-12 13:36:27

That male friend of yours must be a very humorous one! It is hard to confess.

Ibby 2008-09-12 05:30:38

Wow just realized it was placed on the front page of this site!!
A white male friend said "These guys know me so well!" Ha Ha Ha

YV 2008-09-09 20:22:16

I think they just want to play jokes, but look at the responses!!!
For example: #100 Bumper Stickers