2008-06-15 16:40:18YV


收到四束花束居然累積十幾張半開的美麗紙張!平常會切成 A4 用來寫信給那兩個愛紙張而且「也寫蝸牛信」的傢伙,可是她們最近都不太蝸牛,我也就自個兒進化成蛞蝓去了。

話說這一大堆紙切割之後得到好大一疊 A4 紙!


Michael Ende 的日本禪緣!
I see as well. 2008-06-16 15:41:59

I mean I see and saw that you saw my words.

I see. 2008-06-16 12:12:29

I mean, I saw your words.

I am 2008-06-16 07:57:18

a very generous snail, fyi. But I`ll also be a happy snail if I receive a mail like me :P