2008-03-06 22:57:30YV


乖巧可愛的爛漫少年史巴德星期二特別將腳踏車運來學校,今天下午就陪著 YV 去河濱騎車。還有史巴德一個可愛的同袍同行,素昧平生,他把昂貴的新摺疊腳踏車借我騎。

總共才騎一個半小時, 老太太 YV 還沒過癮,史巴德居然喊著.....想睡覺!這國家還有戰鬥力嗎?

史巴德可以和 FREE 比「傲」了!
YV 2008-03-07 16:19:44


LV 2008-03-07 11:10:07

This photo is so TAIPEI :) I am picturing in mind what`s outside this picture.

HA! 2008-03-07 06:27:29

Oh, my battery is low. I couldn`t post the photos last night. I will soon after I go to school.