2007-06-09 09:48:23YV
一九八四年(What a remarkable year!!)Yvette 唸大四,學弟妹邀稿,因為自己當過系刊編輯,知道辦事的辛苦,勉為其難答應了兩首「ㄕ」。
By Yvette Huang (1984)
When I arose from Yeats’ Innisfree,
A demon came to me and tost torches three.
“Light thine torch,” he said, “and it’ll bring thee cheer,
And fun, and satisfaction sheer.”
In bravoes, I lit the torches bright.
The miracle appeared, and I on a kite
Flew to a sparkling scented paradise,
Where flowers blossom forever and man never dies.
The decreasing light called forth a journey fair,
Which I’d wished to adventure but ne’er dare.
A heroine’s taming beasts should show her pride,
And I on her role did complacently stride.
When the weird scene came out in the waning,
My ambition took the wings soaring.
I saw my future and my past glory,
But when the light was out they were but a story.
The night is dark again and still again;
But fancy now is neither joy nor pain.
Perhaps Rip van Winkle will someday be free;
I’ll go back to Yeats’ cabin with honey-bee.
Yes, his Dragon Song album and DVD were available to be purchased in the hall way...
I am jealous, too! A free ticket, huh?!
AH! New York City!