2019-06-16 23:20:25akwos62cwiai

【本周活動折扣】Cybex賽百斯鉑霆系列Aton Q i-Size Plus 嬰兒提籃 限時產品網拍熱門產品


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Cybex Platinum Infant Car Seat Aton Q i-Size Plus 設計式樣: Midnight Blue - navy blue · 2018

Safety and comfort combined on the highest level! The Cybex Infant Car Seat Aton Q i-Size Plus carries your little one safely in a rear facing mode. Due to its removable seat insert it is particularly suitable for smaller babies and provides them with an ideal flat recline angle throughout the first months.熱銷禮物

Group/ weight category:

  • Right from birth up to approx. 15 months/ max. 13 kg

  • Suitable for body height of 45 to 75 cm

Conforms to the norm:

  • ECE R-129 (i-Size)

Innovative security guaranteed: In combination with the Q i-Size base (not included in the delivery!) the infant car seat meets all safety-relevant requirements of the new i-Size norm. Innovative security technologies such as the side-impact protection as well as the height adjustable headrest with an integrated seat belt positioner provide optimum solution for the safety of your little one.

The individually adjustable telescopic linear side-impact protection, more commonly known as LSP System, distributes the energies of an accident away from your child. For this purpose, a side impact protector can be extended along the seat's door side. In combination with the energy-absorbing shell your child travels safe and sound during their first trips by car.

In terms of the individual size of your child the recline angle of the Aton Q i-Size Plus can be adjusted accordingly. The seat insert guarantees a flat recline position for new-borns up to 3 months. Later on, the insert can be removed so that the shell provides enough space and comfort. Parents are particularly fascinated by the five-point harness that secures their child easily and without any effort. When adjusting the headrest, the belt length adapts accordingly. Complicated guesswork or accidental misuse of the installation are practically eliminated. The soft belt pads and buckle pads give extra support and prevent the belt from cutting in.

Using an adaptor (not included in the delivery!), you can transform the Cybex Aton Q i-Size Plus into a practical travel system that easily fits on buggies and strollers and thus makes the integrated extra-large convertible canopy a vital accessory. Extendable in different stages it conforms to the Australian sun protection standard UVP 50+ and protects your little one from the elements outside the car. If not in use, you can store it elegantly behind a matching visor.

The trendy and very resilient fabric with twill-effect features a cool denim look that contributes to the Aton Q i-Size Plus' characteristic appearance. You can choose your favourite car seat from four different colours.

Product details:

  • Suitable from birth up to approx. 13 months (max. 13 kg/ 45 to 75 cm)

  • Trendy fabrics with twill-effect and denim look

  • LSP system: telescopic linear side-impact protection

  • Seat insert can be removed and is suitable for babies up to 3 months

  • Height-adjustable headrest with integrated seat belt positioner

  • Integrated extra-large canopy, UVP 50+

  • Suitable as a travel system when combined with Cybex, gb and other manufacturers
  • 好康報報省錢大作戰

  • Cover washable at 30°C

  • Measures: 65 x 55 x 39 to 56 cm

  • Weight: 4,9 kg

  • Developed and designed in Germany




Cybex賽百斯鉑霆系列Aton Q i-Size Plus 嬰兒提籃









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Cybex賽百斯鉑霆系列Aton Q i-Size Plus 嬰兒提籃

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CP值, Cybex賽百斯鉑霆系列Aton Q i-Size Plus 嬰兒提籃

評鑑大隊, Cybex賽百斯鉑霆系列Aton Q i-Size Plus 嬰兒提籃

部落客推薦, Cybex賽百斯鉑霆系列Aton Q i-Size Plus 嬰兒提籃

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