2009-02-01 17:45:33長河
What can he get if he pays without any repayment?
He paid without any repayment,
What can he get if he pays without any repayment?
A flower?
A commendation?
An encouragement from his love.
He paid without any repayment,
Who can pays without any repayment?
A mother?
An angel?
A fool who without anything to do.
譯自 長河,我 2005-09-24 《無怨無悔的付出能換來什麼?》
What can he get if he pays without any repayment?
A flower?
A commendation?
An encouragement from his love.
He paid without any repayment,
Who can pays without any repayment?
A mother?
An angel?
A fool who without anything to do.
譯自 長河,我 2005-09-24 《無怨無悔的付出能換來什麼?》