2004-11-23 17:01:16UnWanted

Just a shoulder, is that too much to ask?

V. 1.0
Nov. 23, 2004 01:20

This is written for a helicopter guy, who met me through an ad. on this platonic section. I was screaming silently and hoped some firm shoulder, which also comes with a highly durable mind, to lean on to cry.

Then… he said that he doesn't want to see me if I don't want to develop sexual relationship with him.

However, he is not the only one. Many other guys did the same thing to me. My friend told me that was a natural phenomenon for women who don't have a job. Later on I got a job. They still treat me like dirt and want nothing but exploit cheap sex from me even I always wear baggy clothes and no make-ups.

What happened to this city? Nobody cares about anyone's feelings. They can think of nothing but fxxx.

Crying. This moment I can only crying.

Nobody loves me; I'm vanishing from this world every minute yet nobody

Everyone just want to exploit cheap sex from me, including you, a dishonest
fellow who either doesn't even know what he is talking about or reflect
himself with honesty.

I didn't ask you taking me to go swimming ever since you refused me twice.
Yet you are making that an excuse for making an absurd statement about my
one-sided relationship operating.

I didn't ask you to come down to SF to see me, I even asked you how to go up
to Petaluma by myself. It is you refused to give me the address for me to go
Yet you are making an excuse that I don't have personal transportation tools
as my one-sided relationship operating.

I didn't ask you to read to me after you complained my one-sided
relationship operating 4 times after we met.
Yet you are making an excuse that it is only I who is asking things.

I never asked you to take me to concerts.
Yet you even came out for an excuse from that and you refused to answer me when I ever asked you to take me to concerts.

I never asked you to have sex with me.
Yet you asked me to pay for the sex therapy after you released your sexual

You hardly write to me. You hardly call me. You don't even care what I
feel and what I experience in a day. You hardly tell me what happened in
your days and you don't want to quench my questions about you.

You said you offered endless love yet you don't want to see me simply
because I want to protect myself form having random sex and so I told you that I wish not to have sex with you.

Look how brutal you are and you even ignore that and only blame me for
one-sided relationship operating in your definition.


Why you treat a person who likes you without any grace at the condition you kept saying you are a handsome person with inner beauty?

Why don't you want to love me but just want to use me? I didn't do anything
wrong on you.

I simply can't stop crying, and this is the original reason why I wrote the
post on platonic section for I only met men who would not love me but only
want to rape me by the fancy terminology: 'having romance with them'.

Liars, liars, I only meet liars. Why shouldn't I cry? How can I ever stop crying?

Where can I find reliable shoulder to lean on to cry for simple peer support rather than a convenient short cut to expose their genitals?

Vulgar smokers are extremely not welcomed. I don't want to see any middle-aged men who are starving from sex, either.