2004-11-10 09:01:16UnWanted

There is no substitue for Porsche; Men who don''t give com

11102004; 10:30; V.1.0

On 11072004 night, I was watching Tom Cruise's first-ever movie "Risky Business"
with my friend, Mark X.

In that film, Tom Cruise was only 20. He drove his old folk's Porsche to get
away a pimp who was chasing after Laura in his car along with Milei, who talked
him in to get a call girl to get his first-lay.

After he got away the pimp drove behind him and arrived the doorway of his home,
he said: "There is no substitue for Porsche."

Tom Cruise looked really cute in the film even when he was only 20. His facial
expressions were already real enough to convince the audiance the role he
played. (Tom Cruise is probably the only movie start I would want to become a
groupie for. So if you look like Tommy, welcome to apear in person. I'd love
to know you INSIDE out.)

Mark X said he used to drive a sport car.

Mark: "Women don't know that men who drive sport cars are not willing to give


Good, I'm gald to hear that.

Men'd better to know that popular women are reluctant to give commitments as

I don't like men go for me only because there are no other options.

Sorry babies~~ Women like to go out with men, not babies.

Sometimes people do have confusions about values. They simply overlook a great
extend of valueable things in life and only think how great deal they have in
their Porsches, Jugars, million-dollor apartment in Nob Hill, etc... We human
beings deal with lives with resources, which include more than tangable objects.

I'm having a vacation out of town right now with my friend Mark X. He said his
friends asked him: "How if she wants to stay and won't go back?"

Mark said he told them that I have a job in SF., so I would go back.

Well, I told Mark: "You should have told them that I have a family there and by
asking so, they are definitely under estimate me. I have a stream of male
friends over in SF., why bother I stay here for people who mainly speak Japnese
only? Don't forget I am a racist. I want a child with one quater of French
and one quater of Italian, not a single trace of Japnese. No way!"

Mark: "Well, I'll tell them: "Do you think this girl is smart enough to fully
appreciate me?". How does that sound?"

I: "You men are just incurably infalting yourselves bigger than what you are.
Anyway, I still like your line."

And so I gave him a tight hug and a kiss.

Anyway, the key point is I'd like to meet men who have more women to come to
them than they go after women.

My friend Mark X, is a good example.

His both parents went to Harvard mathmetics department. His mother once worked
as a math. resercher in MIT till she divorced with his father since his father
had trouble to not wooing women around him (Their marriage remained few
decades). Then she went for sociology PhD program and opened her own consulting
firm later.

When Mark was 4, in pre-K, his mom would ask how his school was going after he
came home. His mother was fairly disapponited since he could not say anything
about the school but the girls who chased after him and claimed he was their

Mark was a handsome guy and he makes women friends rather easily eveywhere he

His sister even covered him when he kissed girls at home when he was 12. His
sister would raise her coat so their parents wouldn't see what was going on in
the back seat.

Mark was a close friend to John Campbell, who once taught in Cal. Tech. as a EE
prof. and past away in last Feb. (If I remember it correctly.) They were so
close that he even proposed him to come to live in Fukuoka, Japan to spend the
rest of his life.

Mark's sister is a psychologist and they talk frequetly, roughly 2 to 3 times a

Mark is also a rather calm person. His verbal SAT was 99%. He walkes into icy
stream to take a short bath under water fall in the morning 06:00 every day 8
months a year in Fukuoka, Japan. (3 months are too cold, snowing. 1month away
for vacation in July.)

Well... since Mark lives in Japan, I'm not advertising for getting some women
for him. I'm seeking men who have that kind qualities to spend time with while
I'm in SF.

Would you, a real man, not a baby, like to try?

I'm fairly tired of babies.

So, don't repond if you think you can't handle a popular woman without playing
whining game. I'm not smart, yet I'm not stupid enough to lock myself into
babies' whining and crying. I might do that, but only for my blood-related
babies (potentially), not for fully grown dicks who can think of nothing but
begging women to lick them and show nothing about their attractiveness on the
top of their shoulders.

Also, just like Mark, please be a decently popular man. No smokers, no
druggies, no flufy flanks.

Solute! Let's enjoy our lives together!

Shall we start from worshiping the sunrise by the Ocean Beach?