2004-02-18 22:01:16UnWanted

Can't stop laughing

Feb. 17th, 2004 V1.2 (My Mandarin student modified this piece)

________________________________Can't stop laughing________________________________

This morning my sister woke me up at 02:00. Then I decided not to go back to sleep. Then I made a call to a lawyer in Miami, Florida, who I met in May 2003 from a dating site, the same month I moved here from Taipei. When we first talked over the phone for 3 hours, he said he liked me very much and would think about flying over to SF to visit me. He even told me that his verbal SAT is 99% and he was confident that he could teach me to be able to talk well soon. But a few days went by, and he didn't call back. So I tried to call back. Then he said: 'I'm sorry. You are sweet. I know you are a very nice woman, but I can hardly understand you. It's very hard for us to talk. I found a woman, who lives only 10 miles away. I'm dating her now.' Then I said: ' OK. I'd still love to be your friend.'

Then we spoke about once or twice a month for 3 months. So I heard about his dating situation, where they went, blah, blah, blah, just chatting. Then my friends business started to pickup, and then I didn't get time to talk to him for nearly 5 months.

Anyway, this morning I called him and we chatted for 70 minutes. I just felt I couldn't stop laughing. At first time, we spoke very slowly, and he needed to repeat almost all the words he said. And he played the role of leading the conversation and I could only respond to his questions. And this morning, I found that it was I who kept rambling, and he could only say YES or No. And then I told him my observation, and then he said: 'Yes, you are right. I am totally subject to you now.' I still remembered how we first talked. I complimented him on his ability to create a conversation. So I decided to pop out open questions to let him talk. Then he started to talk more about how his dating is going, how the days were when he was a biology major and the new apartment he bought and the student-exchanging program he is working on. And I provided him some opinions about his date and her son. And he said he was glad to hear that for they were some ideas he had never thought of before. The connection was bad and went out twice, but he kept calling back to talk to me.

Anyway, I just can't stop laughing because all of my friends told me that they felt my English has improved tremendously, but I don't believe them. Because we talked frequently, I didn't feel the difference when I talked to them. But this lawyer definitely made me perceive how much improvement I've made. I still remember how deeply hurt I was when he told me that he had found a date there and he didn't want to talk to me for I spoke lousy English. I sat on the bed and was speechless. My sister saw me, and that was when she started to talk to me in English. I told her that my English was shaky; nobody decent would like to have me as their mate. Then she said that he is a lawyer, he would require a different level of communication. She said I could not provide him consolation if he had bad days. She said I should go to some ESL course instead of sitting there feeling sad. When I was young at school, never could a single person have told me that I couldn't conduct conversation well and they didn't want me. You guys would have no idea how great a blow he gave me at the time.

Anyway, I just can't stop laughing. I like the feeling that I conquered some thing or I can convert him. We never met, and he only saw fuzzy pictures of me. I'm not his client, and I don't bring any economic value to him. And he, a verbal SAT 99, would like to talk to me 9 months later and I'm sure another couple of months later down the road.

Last night I called a 'friend', who doubted the scenario I wrote in 'What I want? Naked, MIT'. He said he didn't believe I would have a good figure. And then we finally met up in a pool. Then he said now he realized why the man said so after we got out of the pool and strolled around Golden Gate Park. Anyway, and then we went home. Nothing 'extra' happened either that day or the day after. One time I was in his neighborhood, so I wrote him to go out to hang around. But he was sick, and then he gave me the direction to find his warehouse. But I had quite a busy schedule that day, so I didn't go. And last night I called him, and then he said he wanted to date me but he could tell that I wouldn't want to have sex with him unless he committed to a long term relationship with me. He said I draw a line between us. So he didn't think he would see me again. He said he has enough friends; he didn't need any extra. If I don't want to have sex with him, he can't see why he would like to see me again. He tried to convince me that it's nice to have sex with people who are not necessarily in love with me. He said I'm smart, sweet and adorable, and he really wanted to date me. Well, however, he said he would like to be my reference for the adjectives he gave me for potential dates. He is a triathalete, thin and fit, runs his own personal business. He is in his mid-30's.

So, you guys, come date me. I need dates! You would have a not too bad companion when you are with me. However, due to there being quite a few options, please meet my criteria in order to enroll in my dating pool. You are welcome to drop me a line to ask for the criteria. The original text 'What I want? Naked, MIT' can be read at this site for reference reading.

Please send
1. pictures, with full body image; with clear facial features. Covering your face with a hat and a pair of sunglasses won't make you become a more handsome man. And please stop saying you are handsome while you are under 5'8 and over 155 pounds. That's a hilarious, self-deceiving and illusory statement. I like swimmer body type over boxer type. If your ratio over that range, yet your body surface fat percentage is lower than 5%, then that's OK to me.

2. Full name, with reachable telephone # and the proper time to call.

3. All the schools you went with your GPA and major (from grammar school).

4. Brief history about your past relationships, how they started and how they ended, and analyze why they ended. Also describe what you have learned from them. Also indicate your marital status, and children numbers.

5. An assay about your family dynamics.

6. Date of birth.

7. A brief job description.

8. Countries you've visited and you like.

9. Languages you can use to build relationships with the language native speakers.

10. Music you like, composers you like, musical instruments you play; Books you like and why (better to be long than short).

11. Who affect you most in your life and how.

12. What virtues you care in yourself. Illustrate how you practice your believes (better to be long than short).

13. Smoke, alcohol, drug, medical history.

14. Sleeping cycle, snoring habit, body temperature chart.

15. Personality description with illustration. Describe how well you can handle your own emotional fluctuations and your emotional conflicts with your family members and ever-were mates. This has to be long.

PS: Not necessary to be in this form if you can come out your own style personal portrait. This form is helping people who need assistance to conduct proper self-introduction. Sure once you get on hold with me with your information in your own organization, you still can't get away my Qs above.

Nonproductive, noncreative responses are unwelcome.

Who ever in the world do I think I am to write so?

None of your business.

All I know is I do much better than the majority of you if you were in my position.

(I don't particularly like this piece very much. I night take it off sometime later. I prefer tragic type over the other types.)